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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. It was indeed in the super bowl, we were there. I didnt go up to see what happened, as there where 2 CHP there and they are only called out for one reason RIP, prayers to family and friends......
  2. Pat, what I am confused about is, you shop there ALLOT by your own words, but wont pop the $2o for the presidents club? I hear you on receipts however PEPBOYS is the same way, but they after some NICE very NICE persuasion, usually cave in, and are very helpful. WOW, have you totaled how much money you have LOST? I save almost that $20 every time I go there with the presidents club. DO I think its silly that they don't just give everybody the same price? YES.. don't get me started on grocery stores if I don't have their club card that I don't get the discount!!!!! anyway get a presidents card, and give the receipt to your wife and tell her to hold on to it, I'll bet when you need it she'll have it LOL
  3. YIKES Cheese 150 gallons in a weekend!!!! DAAYYYUUUMMM If you take a camp shower (like you should) you can be safe with 60 gallons easy in a weekend, I have 90 gallons on my DP and I NEVER use all of it even on 4-5 day weekends
  4. OMG!!! that is such GREAT NEWS!!!! I am soooo happy for you guys!!!!! I am glad you went back out there!!! YEAH!!!!
  5. well CRAP, I mean Grey water I dont know now.......
  6. u know what is really funny in the true nature if you rigged your shower to NOT go in to the grey tank it would be completely legal, but once it goes into the grey tank, it can and will start to grow bacteria so its a NO NO.... if you think I am wrong dont dump your grey tank for awhile and then dump that bad boy it smells dang near as bad as the black!!!
  7. Nope not anymore!! get caught it is a big fine!!
  8. Thanks Predu I wasn't looking for gory details, I'm not like that, just thought there might be a witches eye or? I am maybe heading out this weekend which was why I was asking. Hope Danny has a full speedy recovery!!! Prayers to him his family and friends!
  9. where you near him Mike? what happened and where?
  10. Hey Bud we didn't make it out but I was with ya in spirit!! The difference is you could now take that bike for a dune run. Would have loved to see it tho. Some of those shee's are wicked fast and light as hell.
  11. heard someone was injured very badly .... I dont know if it was either of these accidents but Someone named Danny? Prayers with him and his family
  12. Damn that SUX... anybody that watched the show knew he was a GREAT guy tough as hell, but a heart as big as his boat.... RIP, prayers to his family.. he will be missed by his boys for sure...
  13. I flip the switch ... wait for it to stop going whir and whir and then I have TV LOL
  14. I am soo glad to hear this!!! some good news... no GREAT news for a change in all the bad news lately!! many many thoughts and prayers sent your way
  15. not Dumont but drive thru Baker a few hours ago. Was a lake LOL
  16. no on At&t I heard you can get it by the north pole? but NO way in the camp area u will loose service about 5 miles before Dumont coming either way
  17. I think that is my second ATC for wife!!! thanks for idea Cole :atc:
  18. OMG do they REALLY know how this sounds? I wouldn't send a f'n Penney now!!! http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100116/ts_al..._20100116173918
  19. Maybe u hit the nail on the head there. I could see on a BUSY HOLIDAY weekend that they might not allow it?
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