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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. What a beautiful baby girl!!! Congratulations. She is adorable!
  2. Could not have asked fir a better night in August!!! Had a great time watching the races.got to finally get the car out, it ran incredible!!! Thnx Dave for picking some lines out there. MAN talk about sharp razors and drop offs!!! Thnx Al for the great grub!!
  3. I only run the Onan stuff I am a big a$$ chicken ( I know it's synthetic) and I pay a premium but hey it's in the same spot when I buy my filter. And it only takes what less then 2 qts. April that is some funny sh*t and no I wouldn't have been shocked either with DDR! LOL
  4. Tim that is so cool. You have a great little girl there!!! You have raised a little girl like this world needs!! Congrats Tim!!!! Had a friends son do that, I didn't know why had this crazy a$$ doo for so long then I saw him awhile later with a fresh very respectable doo. I was like wow u look great, he says oh you didn't know I was growing that for locks of love?? My opinion of him went 100 fold!! Got to know him better and great kid!!
  5. It doesn't matter what bank u have anymore. These darn crooked bastijez will find u!!! This isn't the 1st time, just the 1st time we got hit back to back to back. And yes Charity so far we got it all back.... Last month my damn co Amex was copied. Yes copied with a magnetic strip! Here in town. I am convinced it was done at the airport. But who ever did it had duplicated the card and went to Wendy's then KFC. They filled up their car at a Terribles. Then went to Walmart bought abought $200 worth of crap. Then to another and tried to do a purchase of about $1,800. That is when it was shut off Amex covered all except gas and the food. So again I hate fuggin thieves.
  6. BE CAREFUL... Prego pants are EXPENSIVE!!!!!! course i guess there are a few guys on here that she could fit in to LOL maybe some farmer johns
  7. OK, so our book keeper e-mails my business partner and I the other day asking if we have a Scot trade Acct?? UMM NO>>>>> so I call him (its after 5 his time) I saw whats up? Oh someone just tried to Xfer (successfully BTW) $85K out of our company checking acct!!!!! I am like and you didn't fuggin call me???? so what did they tell you?????.... as I am logged on, sure as sh*t there it is a $85 K Xfer out of our acct to a Scott Trade Acct!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh they caught it they will just put it back in?? (he says calmly) I say UMM ok so now what?... what do you mean he says? well obviously our acct is now compromised!!!! Lets close that effer and open another one ASAP.. so we did... give them a list of checks to allow to clear out of that act and NOTHING else... well today, we get a call from Wells Fargo.. umm do you know a xxxxx xxxxx from South Carolina (name hidden as we going after his A$$) no!! ok they say we'll stop the check, I say umm send me a copy? Sure..its a PERFECT copy of our check!!!! oh By the way almost $5K!!!! Oh man now I am pissed, so then I get a short notice in my email from our old acct (the one we just closed) I am like now what????? FUGG AN A.. there is a 68K draw that came in and Wells in there fuggin infinite wisdom, XFERED the money out of our SUPPOSED SAFE acct to our old acct to cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and no it wasn't on the authorized list... 68K this time.... that's it I m putting it all in my mattress, if the thieves don't get it Obama will!!!!!! OK I am done I need a
  8. NOW THAT IS FUNNY!!!!!!!!!! :porn: :gayboy: :porn: wait nooooo
  9. yes I do, and she was HOTT as hell doing it
  10. OK OK.. so I called the person back, you have to call it a dune buggy.... HMMM thanks guys!!!
  11. HMMM I have been with Allstate for 10 years have both of my houses, and quads with them, and they say they do not offer sand rail insurance? Pete can you PM me your ins guy, maybe my agent is a DOOF. Same for State farm anybody that has it, can you PM me your agents name and number? Thanks!
  12. Hey I am a WYO Tech graduate!!!! I just didn't pursue that line of work as a career ... well I did turn wrenches for about 8 years.... Cool pic!!!
  13. LOL that is the Brett I know and LOVE Looking forward to a great time at your wedding!!!!!!! :drunks: :drunk2:
  14. Hey Capt is the change due to you making a claim on Allstate? Or where you with them when your buggy was stolen?
  15. ok just dig up old posts . What do the NV guys have. Still Allstate? Any others?
  16. Oh I have ALLOT of pics of shaved kitties.......... and yes all kitties should be shaved, or at least trimmed close
  17. Lol yeap that's what it's called (lion cut). Our cats actually love it!! The plus is the dont shed!!!
  18. ok so this is a cat, but it worked for us
  19. sounds like a cash for clunkers ad its worth $4500 on a trade in
  20. Awesome Cole!! Congrats to you and Jules!!!
  21. April it will all come as second nature. Funny story. First poo poo diaper I ever changed... I threw up in the clean diaper LOL. Now it isn't a big deal....
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