Thanks for your efforts Craig
I was hoping for a different outcome, but let me know if you become a manuf. I am assuming you would take an existing Rhino and modify to meet the law?
Thanks again
LOL man that brings up memories!
My dad used to carry around a pocket full of pennies cut in half . Just for this reason, I haven't thought about that in quit some time...
Now PEEPS® fans can enjoy a sweet treat with PEEPS® Sugar-Free Marshmallow Chicks! This delicious dessert is a bright delight that's sure to make you smile.
Seems wrong, but made me think of you Skyz
I have to say from the photos, this looks like a nice TH!
Trying to step into the ole WW shoes, with that design and as nice as it looks, they might do well. Well that is if it's priced right