Oh no Vic, you got me wrong, I meant the TSA could have used more tact! Anybody that does not want to get undressed to go thru the metal detector and chooses to be wanded is your option, that is what the TSA is there for if they don't like it get a new job lazy a$$
this was one of those movies where you even watched the credits because you didn't want to turn it off.
This movie hit home for me for a number of reasons, two big ones, I'm a former Marine, and second I'm from Wy. Each of those are a way of life that you can't explain to anybody unless you've lived them.
All I can say is Semper Fi Chance.... Semper Fi!!
Not many folks know of Bonnie Springs, we go like every 3 months or so (kids) they have a old train you can ride on, shoot outs, and country stores etc, and of course the mutant petting zoo . During the summer time they do plays out there as well.
Yeah I had 2 of them LOL course I think Dylan ran it more than I did, until I got nervous about him trying to master the whole two wheel thing, and no not the back two... he had a great time though!!!! :hungry:
IMHO that law is BS, ad here is why, you can still talk on a hands free device, including having your phone on speaker SO you are still distracted. and the BIGGEST reason there BS, is that texting is allowed!!! WTF
well he'll ok Ill reply.
For one thing I'm either driving a 5 tons of metal or 12 tons of metal. If it's that early I'm talking to my office in Dallas or the guys in Littlerick, MI, or NJ.
Secondly it's not the driving and phone talking that makes me swerve and take my eyes off the road, it's using my I-phone while driving and surfing DDR and replying to posts like this!! LOL