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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. OMG that is FUNNNY :dance: STEVE stop or I'll taser your a$$
  2. :dance: he said he DIDN'T want HID's Cheesey I believe he is talking about the lights down low near his tie rods.
  3. I plan on leaving at around noon Fri. You guys??
  4. Congrats Pete That thing is NICE. We have the Sony A350 (we had its brother the Minolta so I wanted to match the lens's I had when i bought a new one) but its nice to have a good camera we luv it.
  5. ah dun the rash of stolen buggies.. GEEZZZZ
  6. turned out VERY nice Randy!!!!!! :dumbass:
  7. ugh u might have just ate your last bacon surprise :dumbass:
  8. Dude that isnt going to happen..... you know why???? wait for it because you work, pay taxes and your mortgage is up to date............ now quit paying your mortgage, and maybe just maybe you might get your wish ... YO :?: they might even give you some free food...like pepperoni pizza's that really have pepperoni :hatdance: :dumbass:
  9. OGP the original PIMP 70 daddy!
  10. dude look at that custom seat and seat holder!!! what is that a weight belt?
  11. I luv watching those shows. Its always the fat guy/gal in a skinny suit that wins That china man is incredible!!!!
  12. Sexy ATC!!! Where did u get those bling bling rims? Me likey!!
  13. just a few weeks to get those back together for the Regatta!!!
  14. what? That doesn't sound right to me? Bring it out prez day let me look at it.
  15. Congrats Don!!!! And sounds like u kept your buggy!! Awesome!!
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