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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. YEAH WELL...................................I think I am related to Elvis in some way, I was kind of a good looking guy, and now I am getting fat just like he did, so I have to be related some how :B LOL
  2. OMG that is SOOOOO funny!!!
  3. XTREME GONE............ GOOOD FUGGGIN RIIDAAAANNNNCE You fk people it eventually gets to your a$$ THEY HOSED ME AND KARMA IS A BIAAATTTTCCCHHHH I told I bet 100 people to NEVER go there.......
  4. that was a GREAT season! had to watch that video again, BAD a$$ :hungry:
  5. fuggin Cole :B that was awesome! looked like gooood times for shizzle :ah:
  6. Well I got LUCKY!!! Cold solder on top of valve to shower. Just resoldered and good to go. No mold and now just to repair drywall in garage. Thanks again everybody!!
  7. thanks everybody, and Pete, thanks for your number, I'll give you a call if I need your help. I'll go over there and see if I can see where its leaking from.
  8. Ah yeah. It's drywall behind a built-in entertainment center. Any tricks? BTW thanks for your input!!
  9. Yeah I'm not sure how it happened. Quit honestly it could have been leaking since construction days. This is a shower we never used. The hard thing is it's a one piece shower/tub. How do you fix that?
  10. OK so I get a call from one of my tenants, and there is a leak from the shower in the second floor, good (well and bad) is that its leaking into the garage, at least its not into a living space. So I tore a hole in the roof of the garage, and thought it was leaking from a joint of the drain pipe, (cut out the old joint, and put in a new)but come to find out it leaks from the shower, and shower only, doesn't leak when the bathtub is running, so I assume its the pipe leading from the faucet to the shower head, that's beyond what I want to get into. so anybody now anybody? PM me please help a DDR member out!!!
  11. I got one that TOPS that (no pun intended) the rental place in Brian Head, rents Rhino's and they use the stock front seats for back seats (no big deal) except they weld them on a bracket that is ON TOP of the bed of the Rhino, and puts they heads of the people ABOVE the 4 seat roll cage :ah: :ah: . When I saw it first I was like NO-WAY, then they camped right by us, and since then I have seen them a few years after that, same Rhino.. talk about a law suit waitin to happen.......
  12. I don't see the big deal? If it was fresh water... Fact is I start draining mine in the desert (or did when had TH) and it was still draining when I hit the road. The only thing it might do is spot your windsheild, but after a weekend at the D your truck needs a bath anyway??
  13. Pete why would you buy another sand toy? you need to go to the sand to use it
  14. fire them ALL!!!!! it isn't just FORD either, its all over the place where people think having a job is a privilege!!!! I was on a construction site this past few weeks, and it reeked of LAZY!!!! My guys were busting there a$$es, and others where doing the moped te mope (lazy dance) in my next life I want to come back as a painter, it took 4-5 guys a day and a half to paint a banister :gayboy:
  15. I see seats, 5 or 4 point harnesses, HID's in front, also do they come with reservoir shocks? Great looking RZR
  16. LOL just borrow one every weekend you go out and return it when u get back. We used to do that instead of shipping TV's when we did AV shows or demos. Go buy one use it for the week or day or what ever and return it. Course sometimes we just gave 'em away too
  17. ahh hell I had a story going here, but a public forum is not where to air it so I erased it..... :mischevious: do what you all think is safe. I'll say if it where me, and it was just a 20" I'd hang it be sure to hit 2 studs, and I still wouldn't use a Omni-mount. Peerless or Chief (I mentioned Peerless as that is what we use, and were a premiere platinum partner so pricing is good) and yes they hit 2 studs not like what was mentioned above, 16" or 24" centers just have to know what to order.
  18. its sold, that was a SMOKING DEAL :B
  19. if you guys want INDUSTRIAL MOUNTS. not the cheap home depot, walmart crap mounts. This is what we do for work Peerless Mounts just put in your make and model, get the part number or PM me, and I'll shoot you a price (my cost) I would NOT do an OMNI-MOUNT in a moving vibrating trailer IMHO :mischevious:
  20. no its not Pete, you saw mine and the other 32" on the other side
  21. congrats on the Move Dani, I hope all the best for you guys down in So Cal. Were down there all the time doing work. We used to do a TON of work in the Temecula, Lake Elsinore schools.... Keep in touch
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