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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. our rule is you fall asleep at the camp fire, or on the beach when were at Powell, or while playing a game, YOU ARE FAIR GAME. you go to bed, your all good.... Me, I have NEVER been painted, as for another one on this board... (you know who u r) he has been painted, toe nail polished, sharpied, make up'd, lipstick'd, zinka'd fool... but its all GOOD BTW nail polish remover takes it all off, or goof off...
  2. LOL Pete that was one of your best ones YET!!!!
  3. is #3 when you go :poop: and pee at the same time ? and how does that make your cell phone work better>>> hmmmmmm??
  4. Is that where you keep your beer? cause if not WTF, I need all I have just to keep the beers cold LOL Oh wait there I go again :poke: :poke: on the CHZ :moon: just a habit now
  5. hey Pete I donated but it said sale, so hope you don't get dinged with a fee? Not to be confused with sticker one, that was EZ PEZY (u had a dummy link) maybe a link here to the Don and Ellen fund for donation. W.R.
  6. My Pleasure Mike Enjoy Oh one more thing, well at least on the 06 the headlights suck a$$ esp at dumont go on Ebay and buy something like this. I know its cheap, but I have had mine for over a year and LUV them HID light conversion
  7. try this Rhino_bookmarks.htm Some of the links may not work anymore, as I did most of this last year, but I am sure you can get some good ones! Good luck
  8. It's a shame they didnt reach out to us here on DDR BEFORE buying them, as I know of at least one set of those trying to sell, and I am sure we as a group could have got them some paddles for there rhino, or what ever they needed. because as we all know :chkn:
  9. It would burn it, they burn almost any type of flamable liquid!
  10. Sorry if you took that derogatory Monkie It wasn't intended that way?
  11. great pics, looks like with all the sold cars you took pics of, the DDR corp. funds are now low?? and who was the hotty that was in all the pics???
  12. you dont need to do that now...... your rail has a built-in glow paint job
  13. I thought you reserved your weekends for lawn mower racing.. you know the kind where you have a foot race with your lawn mower
  14. aging dad that requires lots of attention isn't that u cheese when the spare time pops up tho....here i am and brutha u must have alllllooooootttttt of it :B
  15. cole was found, ALIVE!!!!!!! Fuggin grandfather was stealing from drug guys. Either way He's found!!!!
  16. nope AT&T sux a$$ out there we have a pay per use verizon for just the dunes
  17. that's using the ole brain bucket!!!! Good job!!
  18. very good job on the cage!!! to answer Rhino or RZR? I think they are two different beasts. RZR are supposed to be faster, (course some would and have disputed) but no room, and cant add rear seat. I have seem more tips on RZR possibly due to more torque?? not to say Rhino's dont tip, (that is all the driver there). I have a Rhino, but that works for me.....
  19. OK cheese what is GTB? Internet or text slang 'G' words says GO TO BED
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