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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. that is awesome!!!! Great job!!!!
  2. do a search. I asked the same ?? Found unit on eBay. Think it was like $500. Did it myself very easy!
  3. very sorry to hear about your loss he sounds like he will be missed horribly by everybody that knew him.
  4. it's all in good fun. Take it and dish it
  5. I have an old Pioneer Head Unit with a cassette you can have
  6. In more ways than one for sure... The only thing that WW did wrong was grow too fast and not predict the down turn in the economy, and the bank demanded to know how they were to pay off their debt, and when they didn't like the plan, and got nervous. They demanded payment, which closed its doors. That is a lesson in economics. IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THEIR PRODUCT. Happens all the time in bigger business, I have seen this happen multiple times in the A/V industry, and it doesn't even mean they weren't profitable which really sucks. and for maxdout :?: back at ya :dance:
  7. thank you Pete!! Met some great folks thru here and had allot of laughs!! Happy Birthday everybody!!!!
  8. allot of talk about WW being built sh*ty but I have near NO troubles except little trailer issues. Which ALL toyhaulers have with what we all do to them!!
  9. LOL good one bankrupt07 I mean warrior07 :?: JK Pete but it was a good one!!
  10. NOW that is funny I dont care who you are :dance:
  11. now WTF can you pull with a PAAAAAATTTTHHHHFFFINDER? :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown:
  12. VERY SAD DAY FOR OUR SPORT!!!! I am still very happy with my WW, but resell is worthless I assume, not that you can see these things these days anyway..... :dance:
  13. Hey Brendan WOW I remember seeing that car out at Dumont!! GREAT car, Thanks for a huge donation, we all appreciate it VERY MUCH!! Welcome to DDR :surrender:
  14. What I want to know if how the heck do cats know to find cat people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we have had two momma cats find our d*mn house and have there kittens.. so we move, and be damned if last week I am out back and here the tiny little meow, I think oh sh*t, yeap 3 little kittens, so KITCAT you want 2 little kittens, you still have to give em milk, we'd do it but my wife is preg so we cant do it this time
  15. use WWW.logmein.com This is a free program that allows you to simulate your desktop over the Internet. I use it all the time to remote in across country.
  16. Hey Bradley Welcome aboard the nut house (well at least for your first few postings) :moon: there are a few DDR peeps going to Coral for Labor Day, here is the thread Coral Pink Labor Day
  17. very cool. Congrats!!!!! Nothing more rewarding than being a homeowner!!!
  18. Hey Pete now you can have a new screen name (bankrupt 07) LOL :ah:
  19. Hey Danielle and Chris Wow I will sure miss you guys and were loosing one of the best drywall repair guys I have ever seen. How far are u from Littlerock? We do a ton of work there, so if you live close and I get out there maybe we can all get together. Keep in touch. We'll sure miss you guys!! I hope everything works out for you guys!!!
  20. challenger for sure!!!!! (Don do u have a Challenger, I see your avatar) Riding in UT or Dumont
  21. had that happen to me :beerbong: :beerbong: :beerbong: :beerbong: :bert:
  22. we found out about that first hand this week my business partner in Dallas had his king ranch crew cab used for just that reason course they liked the leather seats more than us appareantly and they ran it thru a steel gate and they had so much weight in the bed they sank it in and collapsed the springs (must have been a sh*t load of drugs) I hope they total that b*tch!!!!!
  23. try to just power it down and take the SIM chip out. (small hole up on top) I did that with my old one it works fine Internet downloading songs from ITunes etc And yes the new 3G is very fast.
  24. wow Cole First just how many jobs do u have? Second sorry to hear about your leg Third Colbie.... Ahhhh yummy
  25. We just have a pay as you go Verizon Phone for the dunes, best of both worlds then!
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