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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. wow GREAT to hear, I was worried for you guys.... Hope that does it for ya!!! :poop_hittin_the_fan:
  2. I had one of those and they work OK, but check out this They can be bought at www.nozzlecondom.com and no I am not selling them, just liked the product :poop_hittin_the_fan:
  3. Thats what I am saying I had to go back to SEE the floor
  4. Dude Drive 5 miles down the road to boulder and the lake mead (where the 215 ends) ALWAYS 15-20 cents cheaper. Just an FYI is all, I too get gas there when I am in a hurry! Sand Snake took a pic earlier in the post.
  5. Here is where I got mine, though not in Vegas, there in So Cal Flags and poles
  6. Oh yes we do, buts its MUCH easier, and ALLOT FUNNER to tease you
  7. well said! if we all just dune carefully and watch out for one another (which most of the peeps on DDR do) it would be a safer friendlier sport. Of course there are always accidents, and you never know when its your card to be punched. All you can hope is that you lived your life to the fullest and had a great life. I personally think most the cats here on DDR do just that. Prayers to anyone that lost a loved one in our sport.
  8. LOL those are the EXACT 2 places I hit up, usually the one one Lake Mead has the cheapest gas in Henderson!
  9. HMMM wonder why foreclosures are up, almost every big furniture store is going out of business, and highest number of repos on cars in 10 years!!! What does EVERY product we buy realy on??? well one common denominator DIESEL!!!!! whether its a truck or train its all DIESEL!!!!!
  10. CONGRATS Pete!!!!! Welcome to the club, you'll love it!
  11. and on top of that he can be your camp b*tch or porter if you will. need a cool one just yell camp b*tch, and the best part is it will be his beer he'll bring you!!! :shocked2: LOL (JK)
  12. Yeap, we probably use our Pizzaz about once a week AT LEAST!!! even the wife has come to LOVE the Pizzaz
  13. since I may not be able to make the clean up I made a donation. Hope it helps! We'll see might still be able to make it but buying a new casa!
  14. dumontdude I hear you, the first time taking your carb apart and re-jetting is a little scary. I do remember the 1st time I did, I was scared to death I was going to screw something up, but once you did it and your quad runs better for doing it. you will be a PRO (well not as good as Dan, but who is ) You'll get it, let us know how it goes!
  15. ok now we need to get a new smiley :flatbiller: but with the helmet dealeo Tanner seriously I really dont think we anybody was picking on your friend, just making an observation. That is obviosly different, and to each his own (nobody really cares) not worth :chev_bowtie: u know we all give each other sh*t here come one dude its all anyway
  16. Thats pretty amazing that just coating the pipes gave it that much more PSI.. Who would have thought that. You could market that shizzle there!!! course dont tell them what your doing just do it seems to be a market for a cheap mod that makes huge improvents. :chev_bowtie: I wonder is all manufactures would benefit from such a mod? even if you didnt have two turbos?
  17. LOL that is funny as I came back to camp looking just like that, but not on purpose. I came across some whoops, bald hand grips and did a front flip and hit face first breaking the visor on one side. When I came back the visor had flipped up and looked EXACTLY like that!!
  18. Where is the Rake? Has sound! This is classic.... click on: The Rake
  19. you know whats funny bout that old thread, that has no become a sore subject? Can you say POTLUCK :surrender:
  20. DAMN I just noticed your avatar Big Fella How friggen tall are you? you are def a BIG FELLAH! :surrender:
  21. BOM BOM BOm SwEEEET CAROOOLIIINNNNNNNNNNE I know who you were singing that to :surrender: :flatbiller: :drunk2:
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