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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. My thought and prayers to his family and freinds. how did the accident happen? was it at Dumont? Quad or sand rail? sorry to hear of your loss
  2. something for Vicki and Terri to consider is if you donate a certain dollar amount to get your name(business) on the t-shirt, and or on the banner? Just some thought as in the education market place that is what they do for us.
  3. Big Fella You hit it right on the head on your first post! They are not making any money, and if they do they put it back into Dumont (roads etc). Welcome to DDR! :mischevious:
  4. That looks really nice up there!! NOT be safe Cole :eatdrink021:
  5. Yeah there needs to be another pin near Pete (AZZ hurts warrior07) I live like 3 blocks from him
  6. Thats the only way to watch NASCAR!!! well unless you can get your coach or fifth wheel in the center! Did the suite thing a few years ago, that was AWESOME!! You guys have fun!! I am jeolous!! My neighbor is camping in the RV lot so we may join him Sunday for some grub :eatdrink021: and a few hours of the race!
  7. dude those look pretty cool, put some big tires on it, and have the hydro lift bed to dump all your drunk friends out! :freakin_nuts: Those look fun as hell :moonwalk:
  8. ^^^^^^^^^^Second, third, and fourth that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :freakin_nuts:
  9. VERY NICE Bret!!!! :kart:
  10. that is the Internet Police Booking They are tracking your computer :mischevious:
  11. go rent an infinity and take the extra set :mischevious: :flatbiller:
  12. Don that picture is kind of decieving. I had to look twice I was like WTF looks you have a REALLLLYYY long flag pole on your rail...
  13. only 40?? you need a CDI or quit letting Extreme work on it
  14. so whats up Pete you sueing Yamaha?
  15. Who doesnt love ole' William Hung
  16. Yeap thats where I got mine as well. You can see the instructions very simple
  17. I bought mine on line when I had my other truck, and it was VERY simple. I had a 2001 F350 with the 7.3, but I immagine there all very similar. On Pyro I had a plug that I could just take off to get reading from, this truck I had to take exhaust manifold off and drill out for pyro sender, but wasnt that big of a deal. boost is just intercepting a vacume line usually, and tranny there was a plug I had to take out and the sensor went in its place. Id say about 3-4 hours and about 6 beers for a rookie like me
  18. have to say that was good driving not to flip and to keep the wheelie!!!!
  19. That was the coolest vehicle jump I have ever seen!!! although that made my back hurt all over again!!
  20. Oh thats called the Cereal Bowl :boyyy:
  21. Very Cool, looks great thanks! :rainbow1:
  22. what are they mounted to in the back of the seat?
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