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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. thanks for the pics, that red flamed Rhino looks NICE. Gives me some ideas on my rhino
  2. Does he want to sell it?? I am interested if he does
  3. Just take pics of them with your digital camera for posting on here thats good enough! Love to see the old pics CJ sorry for your loss, loosing someone that close is never easy. Looks like he was an awesome Dad! Think back to the good times, looks like you had MANY
  4. Wow a Datsun.. wow that brings back child hood memories Hey you know how they came up with the name of the company? The GM came to there marketing team and said OK we need a name for the company in an hour The Japenese fella said Datsun.... (Dat Soon)
  5. OMG that picture will not die.... :xmas7: Ah what the hell
  6. OK here are 2 of the songs we did for our lights Mariah Carey- "All I Want For Christmas" : "Polar Express" :
  7. My GAWWWDDD he doesn't even look normal? wait did I say normal? I mean HUMAN
  8. I heard LAMBO flags are the best :xmas7:
  9. One of the BEST you can get IMO just $$$$$ I have banks programmer etc but didnt see the $$ for there exhaust
  10. I installed one of these on my '01 and on my '06 install was easy!! and havent had a problem http://www.tjdieselperformance.com/servlet...aust/Categories price is right as well (The AFE ones, call them if you have questions, they are very helpful)
  11. Oh BELIEVE ME, as a business owner, I REALLY feel I pay my fair share of taxes, (that IS a whole other arguement) but here is my concern about this bill. Who is going to pick up what is needed for Dumont to be the Dumont we know and LOVE?? I'll pay what ever enterance fee (as long as its fair!) I need to, to keep what is a play spot for us.... course thats just my two cents.... or 6 figures in taxes :porn:
  12. Alright Daniel, you can do it little man.. were all praying for you... I know I can, I know I can, I know I can..... Keep up the good work, your in my prayers
  13. That IS AWESOME NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please keep us updated!!!!
  14. the Carpenters Greatest Hits :beer_bang:
  15. holy crap you made it to the top of comp with no engine mods?? That new engine and efi must have done the trick Great choice on an all around tire! love the look, and those seats look VERY COMFY
  16. here is the link http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/danielmurphy you can also get e-mails when there updates (thats what I do as he is in my thoughts and prayers everyday) Daniel is a strong little dude. Keep up the good work, and hopefully he wakes up today!! They did MRI's today, but dont have the results yet.. pray for good news.
  17. MMMMM oh yeah those ROCK, and super easy as you cook it all before you get there and you just have to heat it up in micro.....
  18. Lets see 1st is Sherrie's famous crab boil, but that takes some thought beer, and more beer 2nd and very easy Beer can chickens, best chicken with very little work oh yeah and Beer, AND MORE BEER
  19. friggen rain... I was going to finish my XMAS lights today...
  20. R.I.P Evil Was a childhood hero.....
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