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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. an empty eye socket in the sand that will swallow your quad or buggy BAD NEWS.... like a bowl, but smaller
  2. Hey Craig, you guys going to be out there next weekend?
  3. Longest MOST deadliest trip ever Lived in Charleston SC, working construction after hurricane Hugo. Worked all day got off work at 3:30 went back to the apartment loaded all my stuff up (back then I could fit it all in my Toyota truck) drove until 4 AM pulled off in a hotel parking lot 'till the sun came up 6 or so back on the road with a HUGE cup of Joe. Drove all the way until about hour outside of Denver I think it was 3 am started hillucinating (thought I drove through a brick wall) slammed on the brakes swerved the whole nine yards, my brother and sister in law following me and them switching off each gas up followed me down the next gas station where I was running around the station... my brother was like WTF was that??? I told him, and he said maybe Sharon better drive your truck 4 a while she said she would, but didnt want to drive through Denver, so I got an hour under my belt felt like a million bucks back behind the wheel until we got to Cheyenne Wy (where we grew up) got in about 6 AM went directly to bed after the HI's Hello's and about noon back up loaded the truck with Beer (really full) from the rails to the front and back with cases of beer for a week in Lake Powell, and then drove the 600 miles to Lake Powell..... That was a LOOOONNNNGGGGG 2 Days!!!!!!!!!! BUT had a week to get over it!!! Course I was much younger then, now I need a nap when I drive to the 7-11
  4. TWO DOZEN I can eat that much better make it 20 dozen
  5. VERY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait to see you guys next week!!!
  6. Well What the HE!! you been doing!!! GEEZ you had all summer :mc_smiley: Were going for Kick OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Holy from a back fire? That doesnt even seem right? That manifold must have had a hairline fracture? That car is going to NICE,, LOOKING GOOD!!!
  8. I really like the new cabinets, and you did good with these pics.. Looks like you guys did the bay window option with the rockers? VERY NICE!!!!!
  9. I think this was on an old post, but the short answer was NO, this can not be used as Dumont is a Special Use pass or something like that. Sorry By the way Welcome to DDR
  10. Very cool Bob, wonder how many other video's you are in?
  11. OK I hiJacked this thread, BUT enough said click here -> NUFF said LOL, sorry Cheese
  12. DAY-UM You should have said while flying.. KABOOM CRASH
  13. I like the new cabinets post another of the inside, the other one only loaded half for some reason Congrats!!
  14. if they are laying next to you, I HOPE you know them good enough to say he quit LYING or LAYING
  15. Hey Randog I found 'em Dont be confused AS I WAS. There is a PTO wiring down there as well. I had to take the fuse box assy out (4 bolts 10mm) and behind there you will see them. MARKED CLEARY AUX 1-4 now for any people driving slow in the fast lane be prepared to be hornblastered
  16. Here is what I found out, and I tried these wires, no voltage? Fuses AND Relays in place get lights on the switches, but ??? You have the four blunt cut wires left (of the fuse box) to connect to your chosen accessories. To help you plan which accessories can be connected to each switch, use the following chart: AUX 1 1936 Circuit Number 30 Amp Capacity Orange / Light Green AUX 2 1933 Circuit Number 30 Amp Capacity Orange AUX 3 1934 Circuit Number 10 Amp Capacity Orange / Yellow AUX 4 1935 Circuit Number 10 Amp Capacity Orange / Light Blue They even have 4 wires form the fuse box to just under the hood, WHICH is cool (You'll see them just under the hood by the rirewall on the drivers side they are Red, White, Black, and Blue) This saves you from running wires from the fuse box to under the hood.
  17. I have them, and went to hook up a hornblasters kit to it, but I get no voltage from the wires I thought they were. Anybody ever use them, if so, what wire (s) did you use?
  18. no Bob yours has wheels on it, but they are quit small and that lift kit is weird for a sand rail????
  19. Glad to hear it Ash Hope you get your truck back, and if you dont, I hope you work your ins. company for getting the same truck, and minimal out of your pocket...
  20. There service has been OK, but be prepared for it to take FOREEEEEVVVVVVVEEEERRRRRR u can forget kick off weekend if you take it in now, at least from the 2 times i took my WW in
  21. Ok I cant wait 'till kick off weekend.... That is fo sure Plus I thought it was intersting
  22. Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore be incapable of fighting in the future. This famous weapon was made of the native English Yew tree, and the act of drawing the longbow was known as "plucking the yew" (or "pluck yew"). Much to the bewilderment of the French, the English won a major upset and began mocking the French by waving their middle fingers at the defeated French, saying, "See, we can still pluck yew! PLUCK YEW!" Over the years some 'folk etymologies' have grown up around this symbolic gesture. Since 'pluck yew' is rather difficult to say (like "pleasant mother pheasant plucker," which is who you had to go to for the feathers used on the arrows for the longbow), the difficult consonant cluster at the beginning has gradually changed to a labiodental fricative 'F', and thus the words often used in conjunction with the one-finger-salute are mistakenly thought to have something to do with an intimate encounter. It is also because of the pheasant feathers on the arrows that the symbolic gesture is known as "giving the bird." So in other words: PLUCK YEW ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\... Have a nice Friday!!!
  23. Wait is it were meeting at Bob's WITH dinner, or FOR Dinner, I'll bring the Coffee, so we all have to use his bathroom :fro:
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