Bob, I too have to say, I care less about OJ, but I think it was a set up!
And I think the Goldmans did it.
OK I am GOING to get Sh!t for this, but did anyone see them on Oprah? My wife watches and I was interested as they were talking about the book, (if I DID IT) and how they OWN the rights now (due to the lawsuit) whats ironic, and this is a whole new deal, they fought and fought to get that book off the shelves and got the publisher etc to stop, BUT NOW that they own it they want it on all the shelves!!!!
As Nicole Brown's sister said that is blood money and why do they want it now.
OK if something happened in my family and he was found Not Guilty, I would want him to pay sure, so set up or not, I could see it, but the book thing and now wanting it published, as they said we are owed the money. well that I cant stomach..
What are your thoughts????