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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. Oh MAN.. I'll give ya $550.. That is a great find.. had one of those when I was a pup..
  2. maybe a stuck corn chunk!!! :porn:
  3. HA HA Per Brice the McFlurry is RETIRED..... now we all have to find our way around the dunes at night. Even when I wasn't camped with Brice and Mary, I used it as a landmark.. plus I knew where to go for that late night beer (course I ALWAYS brought enough for me and to share) and interesting conversation with Brice :worthless_without_pics:
  4. Well 146 right Brice.. course I was on the THIRD ring so I wasn't technically in your camp but that was
  5. CONGRATS !!! that is awesome!!!!!
  6. wtf.. how do you get past this level.. I have been on this for 3 days!!!
  7. That is probably because you go to Wheelers... Mine will NEVER go there again .. sorry off topic
  8. Oh Pete Thanks for the GREAT laugh!!! glad it didnt come out. That is CRAZY!!! Son how come you tied your grill like that says the officer? Pete
  9. OK, since were talking wrenching.. where do you add the can of beep when your horn quits working... is there summer and winter beep?
  10. well Iam glad to see I am not the only one still playing this D*MN game.. level 29 is like WTF.....I'll get it.. but if not i am asking for help (mentally)
  11. If I won that car, I would sell or just trade straight across for a Rhino ..... JUST KIDDING that was for you Pete!!!!
  12. get some elmers glue and some sand get it all gooey (is that a word) and then smear the sand on. whaaalaaaa just might have to re-apply often
  13. No I havent actually used them yet. Weekend Warrior recomended them to me. I certainly will give them a try next time though. I just hate having my TH sit at there lot for months for something that should take 2 hours.
  14. Hey while your there Check out underground Seatle.. Interesting history
  15. OK, found it. I dont know if they do body work, but ... worth a call to see. Let us know how it goes Double Eagle 702 458 4700 Kathy
  16. I had the same problem with Wheelers. I finally called Weekend Warrior direct. They informed that ANYBODY can do warranty work (well shop wise) as long as they get authorization first. So I recomend calling Weekend Warrior tell them about Wheelers, and ask for a local shop OTHER than them. They gave me one, and I cant find it, but if I do I will re-post
  17. Hey .. There is where that boat ended up!!! you bought my friends boat.. From what I hear you guys got a heck of a deal. Chris and Shannon took great shape of that thing, and it was ALWAYS in there shop or under cover Congrats on a GREAT boat!!!!
  18. My COOL boss gave me the rest of the week off, so were headed to Utah!!!!!
  19. Danny got ya beat.... $438.00 started up the swampy yesterday....... should go back to 125 or so kids and doors being open spells ching ching..
  20. Pete if you were my neighbor I'd hurry up and lock myslef up too just kidding.. oh wait we are almost neighbors
  21. Hey Tim Car turned out SWEET! GREAT job
  22. I am looking at adding an invertor in my fifth wheel, but not quit sure how to do it. I'd like to do a whole trailer deal. so questions are where does that bad boy hook up? how many batteries should I have? I have a 20" and a 13" TV most of the time it would be the 13" TV for the boy, that is really why I am doing this I am tired of strting the generator and racking up the hours so he can watch cartoons. has anybody done this and how long do the batts last on how many batteries? any help would be great. Thanks guys/gals Paul
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