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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. yeah leave a message he'll get back to you
  2. ah you took the easy way out.. Fork lift GEES I put a strap around it, got in the roof and pulled it up the front of the TH.. I do have to say I was thinking OK if this drops I guess I am out $650 but yes once on the roof it was easy! Thanks for everybodies help!
  3. Yeap Dan @ Power House gets all my work...
  4. now that game S*CKS A$$
  5. hmmmm thinkin about it.... If Wheelers gets my TH back to me that is URGH Wheelers
  6. Not much there on the site Leave it to the unbelievable imagination of the ROCKETMAN, Ky michaelson, to dream up this latest rocket powered vehicle. Although it's not very hard to believe once you think about all of the other vehicles Ky has rigged a rocket to. The intriguing part about this suped-up radio flyer is that Ky was inspired after staring at a toy sled only a fraction of the size of a real radio flyer. The rails were manufactured out of aluminum andthe surface area was crafted out of oak planks. But anybody who knows Ky will tell you that he doesn't duplicate anything...he innovates! His version of a radio flyer sled comes complete with custom steering handle bars, a speedometer and a JATO bottle motor mount! Holy ice melt batman! this sled is no JOKER. Ky and his friend took this baby out for a little Sunday afternoon spin down the sidewalks of his Bloomington, Minnesota neighborhood. The snowbanks on each side of the sidewalk made for a perfect luge run.
  7. WOW that is coool Anybody want the link here it is GEO Method Click Here[
  8. Bob, I know you can build about anything (so it seems) but this guy??? I think you met your match!! Leave it to the unbelievable imagination of the ROCKETMAN, Ky michaelson, to dream up this latest rocket powered vehicle. Although it's not very hard to believe once you think about all of the other vehicles Ky has rigged a rocket to. The intriguing part about this suped-up radio flyer is that Ky was inspired after staring at a toy sled only a fraction of the size of a real radio flyer. The rails were manufactured out of aluminum andthe surface area was crafted out of oak planks. But anybody who knows Ky will tell you that he doesn't duplicate anything...he innovates! His version of a radio flyer sled comes complete with custom steering handle bars, a speedometer and a JATO bottle motor mount! Holy ice melt batman! this sled is no JOKER. Ky and his friend took this baby out for a little Sunday afternoon spin down the sidewalks of his Bloomington, Minnesota neighborhood. The snowbanks on each side of the sidewalk made for a perfect luge run.
  9. UGH what is the GEO method.. I may hate myself for asking
  10. WTF is right???? did you ask if he was a cop in Detroit before? Hey side note !!! congrats on Dune Pro!
  11. Yeah that happens with ALL black tank sensors. Just fill your tank full with clean water let sit for a few hours and flush... should be good to go... those corn HUSKS get caught up on the sensors
  12. Yeah I had quit playin too 'till peeps kept saying how fun it was now I am addicted.. I play at work only too, but my boss is a d*ck so I got to be careful....
  13. Here's the rumor on the street so to speak. at Wheelers they charge $125 an hour if your a schmoe off the street to do repairs. If you are a warranty customer, you think the manufacturer gives them $125.. HE!! NO so they will get to it when they get to it.. I have heard that there are portable guys that come to your home that have allot of the manufacture authorizations and they get it done in your driveway! Thats what I'm going to do next time!
  14. OK.. Now I just try to get as much points as possible. Cool to ride wheelies.. Pete new strategy no brakes just lean back and give it gas For level two ride wheelie all the way up first hill. when you see drop let off gas ride wheelie down hill, then romp it to jump 1st dune and clear second back wheel must just hit on the big decline and then JUMP that BIG A$$ revine... no of no other way to get past level 2... YES I have been playin this game ALLOT still no level 5 though 4 is my tops SO FAR anyway....... but I keep doing wheelies guess I should tyr to just play the game :chkn:
  15. this is what you need to do
  16. wow that thing is really coming together.. BAD A$$ I can take all your pics when you are done and put them to a slide show for ya when you are done if you'd like Let me know
  17. If anybody here can do that ?? Bob probably can
  18. hey who did that sticker??? Its all wrong, its GOT the Dot, and its straight.... Geez tear it off Looks great!!!! oh and look at me <---- I finally made it to Dune Pro!!!!!!
  19. Thats true the lights suck.. You'll need some HID kit for it or buy a kit off of EBAY.. This is what I did...2 Hella lights and mount bar and switch, plus all wiring for $60 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-RHIN...emZ320108501715
  20. Wow nice truck There actually both nice! Congrats!!
  21. I just saw this post. I am glad your friend is doing better. All signs seem to be going in the right direction. She is our thoughts and prayers.
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