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Everything posted by HappyHour

  1. Dude..............that is not right!!!!!! But funny as heck........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA :freakin_nuts:
  2. Two words.............HOLY MOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! That thing is freakin' Huge!!!! But a big Congrat's to ya!!!!!!!!!
  3. I personally have a very hard time digesting the fact of how much some of these cars are costing today. It just simply blows my mind I could not see spending over 50 or 60k for a toy that goes in the dirt. For those that do have that luxury of buying one of those bad to the bone rides, I congratulate them, it's just not for me. I look at it this way, I built my car, I'm into it for about 20k, and I can go anywhere those more expensive cars can go, and I have just as much fun doing it!!
  4. As far as I'm concerned, this guy needs to "ride the lightning"............... :shocked2: Straight to the electric chair for this guy.........
  5. Ok, that's cool..........THX!!! :whacky101: :fro:
  6. Hey everybody, Just wondering if they are just widening the crossing, or are they actually building a bridge type deal to go over the water when it gets high? My buddy flooded his storage compartments a couple of years ago crossing that river which is why I'm asking. Thanks and you guys ROCK.............
  7. I have a little Silky Terrier and I take him out every morning like clockwork afetr he is done with his morning eats. I clean up after him EVERYTIME, no matter where we are camping. The beach, the mountains, any RV resort, and yes, even the dunes. It has just become habit after all this time. Besides the fact that it is completely gross stepping in it...........
  8. Happy Freeeekin B-Day DDR.................... :porn: :freakin_nuts:
  9. Minor..........that's completely AWESOME that you would go to that extent in helping someone out espexially in that situation. I have had the misfortune of dealing with the deceased a few times and it never gets easier. But you were completely right in doing what you did. I like everyone else, would like to commend you on a job well done!!!!!!!!!! It's people like you that make our beloved hobby that much better...................Thanks!!!! Cheers to you...............
  10. I'm sorry to hear about the situation you're in Dave. It sure sux when innocent kids are caught in the middle, but good for you to step up to the plate for the kid even though you may not want to.... I hope everything works out for not only you, but the kid also. Hears to you bro............ :ahhhhh:
  11. I hear that Dave, but it's for my 2.5 year old daughter and the Disney website.............is that OK???
  12. Hey everybody, Just wondering if any of you good people know if wireless internet works out at Dumont? More for those times of being stuck inside due to high winds or heavy rain. Where does it work? Or does it work at all out there with the spotty cell phone service out there?? Thanks a bunch.....................
  13. Some friends of mine in camp pass out next to what was once a fire. This was taken at about 6 am just as the sun was coming up. :shoot_head:
  14. Holy Dune Buggy Batman!!!!!!!!!! I had no friggen idea it was your B-day. Have a happy time Pete!! If I didn't have other plans tonight, I would have flown out there to party with you. But anyway, Have a good one, and HAPPY FRIGGEN' BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Hey everybody, I'm looking to have a snap on cover for the top of my rail made. I guess you could call it a bimini top. Anyway, if anyone knows of anyone that does that kind of thing in L.A. County, it would be greatly appreciated...............
  16. My story goes like this..........One night in late October of '94, my friends and I went to a local dance club after winning the local track championship at our little speedway. Well anyway, we were there for 2.5 hours, the place closed up and we got our bill. It was $375 :dance: Anyway, we were all 23 or 24 years old at the time, and never had a tab like that before, so it was quite a shock to our system. We laugh about it today. A whole bunch of this... And this...... :dance: :dance: Usually leads to this..... :dance: But hopefully along the way, you get some of this....... :no_no: :porn: Normally, it just ends up with your friends doing this.........
  17. I personally like the idea of a 25 mph limit on the flats. Too many people go screaming across the flats and come close to hitting others just because they want to go fast across the flats. IMHO if you want to race across flats, go behind the small dunes out by Comp Hill and race to your little hearts content. Personally wether on a big weekend or even an off-weekend, I back her down to about 15 or 20 mph on the flats, and even slower when I get anywhere near a camp. It's not that hard to do. I'm glad the road will be done by Oct. and also glad the river crossing will be wider by then also. I applaud Terry, Vicki, and everyone else related with FODD for the efforts they make for us at Dumont. :redhat: :dance: As far as moving Vendor row. I think it is a very good idea to reduce the congestion, especially on the big weekends. But it is going to really stink for those who like camping by the rock pile hill. I hope it works, and I hope it can be resolved. Other than that and no matter what happens, I will still enjoy Dumont Dunes with my family.
  18. That's an old Prowler Speed and Custom rear engine car frame. Good luck with the build...........
  19. Let us not forget that there are dumb A$$'s from every state, every city, and every walk of life. I just hope that by the time I get back out there in October, that the road is smoother than it was when it was dirt, and the river crossing is good and wide..........
  20. Not only did we not have cell phones, our parents yelled our names out the front door when it was time to come home. I can still hear my dad yelling..........MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My how times have changed.............
  21. Congrat's bro........ She will have you wrapped around her tiny finger 20 minutes after you see her and hold her...............I know I was wrapped when I had my baby girl.
  22. I have a wonderful 2 year old daughter with my wife of almost 10 ten years and I wouldn't change a thing. I truely believe that if a woman has a mellow pregnancy, then the kid will be mellow also. My wife had a very mellow time and my kid is just awesome! She hangs out and chills anywhere, she is not a crabby baby, nor is she a whiner. She rides in my rail like a champ and she wants to go "up, down" all the hills, especially the tallest ones she can see. Her first camping trip was an overnight trip to the beach when she was 11 days old... :dance: She calls my rail the "Up, Down car"..... My wife and I are mellow people and we just like to hang out and have a good time, and that's hiow my daughter is. If you are thinking about having kids, my advise is to make sure you are ready, financially, physically, & mentally. But once you have a kid and it's all said and done, you'll be happy you did. My wife and I waited until we were 34 and 32 respectively andI think that had a lot do to with it also. Just my
  23. I will have nothing but good thoughts for your friend in need Pete. I sure hope she pulls through this.
  24. I'm with you on that one Ynot. It won't stop me from going out there with my MH, but I would ask the same thing. Please get back to us on this one.
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