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Everything posted by HappyHour

  1. As far as I'm concerned this whole "Global Warming" thing is idiotic. The temperature of the earth has risen 1 stinking degree in the last 400 years. The lack of rain this past winter is called a natural weather cycle, not global warming. This whole global warming thing is the same type of scare and hysteria as the whole Y2K thing at the change of the century. Just another thing the liberal, get government into your life as much as possible, democrates can latch onto as if they are saving the world. :dunce: :freakin_nuts:
  2. I for one love this idea and would like to thank whoever is responsible for making this happen. My only question is this: Is it possible to put the big sweeping speed bumps along the road is there is enough asphalt to do so with??? I truely believe that this would keep the speeds down of people who decide to haul the mail on that road. Or is there a way for the rangers to monitor the road at least on the big weekends so nobody gets hurt, crashes, or gets hit on that road. I for one will only do about 20 - 25 mph on that road like I'm supposed to. I am excited and glad this is happening, but the idiots scare me....... :wedgie: Just wondering............
  3. One word Pete..............EXCELLENT!!!!!!!
  4. Congrat's on the 90% score.. Now if you had gotten an 89%, then I would have to really watch out and stay off the sidewalks..... Good job though bud..... :ahhhhh:
  5. We go to a local lake by the house as often as we can. We will also make a long weekend trip to Lake Nacimiento at the beggining of August, then starting in Sept. I start getting excited and ready for Dumont in October............
  6. Well that is where I normally camp, so next time we'll have to make a point of saying.........
  7. Hey OffRoadRacer......were you by chance camped near bathroom #10 this weekend??? If so, I was camped a tad closer to the dunes than you. I drove around your camp with my baby girl driving my rail with me..... :gayboy: Just wondering........
  8. Pete, it was the trip to Yosemite that I won in the raffle. When the guy from the tv show started to talk about it, a few in the crowd were saying to give it to Vicky. Well when I won it, that's just exactly what I did. Afterwards I introduced myself to her and told her that I was "HappyHour" on the boards. I told her to have a great time and let me know how it went when she gets back. It was great to meet her, and doing what she does for Dumont........she rocks.......... :redhat: :dance:
  9. Vicki..........don't be floored, just go and enjoy the trip you deserve it!!! Just like I said, let me know how it went for you when you get back. A BIG personal "Thank You" for what you and your crew does to allow my wife, my daughter and I to enjoy Dumont........so look at it as a token of my appreciation for all the hard work you put in behind the scenes. It was my pleasure!!!!! YOU ROCK........... :chev_bowtie: :mc_smiley:
  10. My observations aren't that many, but here we go........... -- Sunblock was NEEDED!!!!!!!!! -- DDR peeps can haul in a bunch of trash!!!! -- Duniemonkie and Crasher on a little quad was fun to watch occur......... :smoker: -- My baby girl rides in Daddy's "Up, Down" car really well,,,,,, :bash: -- It was cool to meet a few new faces...... -- The folks at FODD can put on an event.......... That's all for now............... PS..........Sailaway, enjoy the trip!!!!.......... :dance:
  11. Speaking of pool to stay cool........this was my buddy a couple of years ago at the begining of October.......... :ahhhhh: :dunce:
  12. They are the older couple that have the big MH and tractor that is surrounded by the bright orange construdtion mesh fencing around thier camp. The are right next to popper #10. I try to thank them everytime I go out. They maintain the bathrooms, and the road going in. I can only imagine what the bathrooms are like after a busy weekend. They are there permenetly from Oct. 1st though April. What a couple of troopers I say.......... :mc_smiley: My hat goes off to them........ :mc_smiley:
  13. 12 hours and counting until the family and I hit the road Plan on getting to Dumont between 6 - 7 pm :dance: We should be about 75 - 100 yards behind the camp host or crapper #10 if anyone cares to drop by and say...... See you all out there........... :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley:
  14. Saturday @ 6pm sounds good to me I should be there with the family and a couple of friends just to hang, chill, and shoot the breeze........... :angry2:
  15. Just wondering some of your takes on this. I have a crack that developed, but I don't know how long it's been there. It's in the front of my car and comes off a weld. Now my question is........if I baby the car this weekend until Saturday afternoon, do you think I'll have an issue with it???? :icon_twisted: I wouldn't want to pay the welder guy out there a ton of cash to spot weld a crack so it doesn't go any further.
  16. No worries, I had fun doing it. I just cruised the website looking for pics that jumped out at me. I learned of the Windows Movie Maker here and have been playing with it since then. It can get addicting, but it was fun........... :icon_twisted: :ahhhhh:
  17. We will be there..... Leaving Thursday about mid-day.............. :ahhhhh: :icon_twisted:
  18. Hey all, I was just playing around the other night and made a short 2 and a half minute video containing some pictures I got off this website just for kicks. There are some faces in it which is why I made the video "unlisted". I didn't get everyone, but I did get a bunch. For those I did get, I hope you don't mind. I made it "unlisted" for privacy reasons so you wouldn't be able to find this video in a search of Google. I am open to not only compliments, but constructive critisms as well. It is set to music, so turn up your speakers........ I hope you enjoy it............... Follow the link.............. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=840163780287268050 You need to copy and paste the link
  19. Aren't we all a little on the side???
  20. I will agree that there are some really Jerk cops out there today. All I have to campare to is my father. He was hired in 1967 at a wopping $640 a month salary. He retired as a Captain in 1986. "Old school cops" like my father went with the general idea that they will just regertitate the same attitude that is bestowed upon them. That is an old school cops way of thinking. The cop of today it seems as though they NEED to control every situation that they run into so they come off with this real arrogant attitude right from the word GO. It doesn't matter if you are the nicest guy in the world, they will still be an a-hole to you. Old school cops had nothing to prove. They just enforced the law as they should. If you were cool, they were cool. Some it I think has to do with the general public of today as opossoed to 20 - 30 years ago. Back then, most people resected the police. Now, they don't which is unfortunate. Just my $.02 on this. To any cops that might read this, if I can give a little advice that my dad was told way back in 1967 by his T.O. "Crime was here before you showed up and crime will be here long after you leave, don't think you are going to change the world. Just do your job the best way you know how and realize that with as many A-holes you may encounter, there still are good people in this world." I'll get off my soapbox now.........
  21. OH Yeah Baby!!!!!!!!! (just something stupid to snap the tention)
  22. D & D ,.............Thanks for responding, and thanks for what you do!!! :dance:
  23. I guess I'll chime in on this one. :gayboy: I grew up in a law enforcement family, my father is an "old school" retired cop of 20 years service. So old school that he retired over 20 years ago. But anyway, I feel that while they should have had whips on the bikes, sometime cops need an outlet of a fun factor to deal with what they deal with everyday they work and shooting up the hill is that outlet for them out there. I am definitely no "cop lover" just because of my dad, there are real a-holes out there expecially with the cops of today. But still, dealing with every moron in the western hemisphere out there all day, they need that little shot in the arm of a good time. I think that if they had whips on the bikes, this disscussion would not be taking place IMHO. My dad always said that if you want to be liked, be a fireman......not a cop.
  24. Will it be on the same side of the road as the campground hosts, or the other side of the road from them? I usually camp about 100 yds. behind them (them being between the road and me)
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