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Everything posted by HappyHour

  1. Sorry to hear about your hubby and super glad he is going to be ok. This is one of the exact reasons why I'm not too big on Sobe Bombs, or any other kind of explosive things in my camp, regardless of the fact that my 2 year old daughter tries to sleep in my MOHO. I hope everything is ok with your husband.
  2. Just wondering where the cleanup people setup? This is my first cleanup, tho it should be my fifth. Do they setup on vendor row? Need to know so I can adjust my campsite if need be. I'll be getting there Thursday evening........
  3. I'm not there, and that's by choice. They can have all the idiots, morons, and the billion people that are going to be there this weekend. Not me baby, I'll be home nice and quiet watching the Daytona 500 on my 60" big screen... I have sworn off holiday weekends and it is working out oh so wonderfully........................
  4. Congrat's bud Hope this career move works out for you and good luck with it :ban-cha: San Diego is a very wonderful city, I'm sure you will like it down there! See-Ya at Dumont......................
  5. HappyHour


    I just hope that they picked up every last peice of that car they blew up.
  6. Bob does have a quite the imagination on him............that was entirely too friggen funny.............. And desertskyz said "Blow"................. OK I'm 36 going on 16 with that last one........you got me...
  7. "Now that's funny right there, I don't care who you are"
  8. We were at the hill one night and saw these guys with the stripper pole in the back of the TH, and to be honest, everybody in my group as well as the random people standing around us looked at it like "What a bunch of ". Take that stuff to Glamis, or Havasu............
  9. You guys are all wrong........it's just in over, over drive...................
  10. were you guys the ones that had the toyhauler with the pole and the 13 year old girls trying to act 18?? :fatdance:
  11. Pete, if I remember correctly from working on the race car, gas and water is 7lbs. per gallon.........do the math, that's a lot of weight that could save on gas consumption. Although I fill my tanks before I leave my house, some may not want to. I'm just saying.................
  12. Kevin............Although I have never filled fresh water in Baker, I do believe that the Valero gas station has the capacity to do that. I do know that they have a dump station in the back, they charge something like $5 to dump and fill. If you are coming North on the 15, it will be the first gas station on your left when you get off at Baker Blvd. Have fun that weekend............
  13. YEAH!!!!!!! What she said!!!! :monkeedance2:
  14. To those that use the crank up dish on top of your rigs with the Digital Magic..........doesn't the wind mess with your reception??? I have that same setup in my rig and the first sign of wind really messes up my reception. What I have done to avoid that is, I bought a second dish, mounted it to a flat peice of board with 100' of cable and two sand bags. I put the dish on the ground around my rig where I'm going to get the best reception. I find the signal, fine tune it, and sand bag the board, that way I don't have to worry about the wind one little bit. With this setup, my dish and tv reception has gone through 50 - 60 mph winds out there and not moved one bit. Basically, I was wondering, does your dish on top shake when the wind picks up like mine, or do I need to go get it looked at??
  15. Now that is some funny shiat right there............
  16. If it is for a flag pole holder so you can fly a flag over your rig, I went to polesandholders.com and just ordered it online. I bought a 16' flag pole and a holder that mounts to my ladder on the back of my MOHO. They have all kinds of different mounts. Try it out, maybe it will help.
  17. Here's my $.03.................I basically do the same as Randog. I wipe it all down (Top, bottom, and underneath) with a damp towel or I use window cleaner without alcohol. I hit the car with compressed air, including the engine. Then I vacum out the seats. Once that's done, I use a liquid wax and wax the frame, and side panels. I use aluminum polish on the wheels, beam, and anything else that is chrome. I have an open trailer, so it does get dirty from the drive in. But then I hit it with compressed air and a damp cloth and it's good as new. Along with my usual maintenance of my car it sounds like a lot, but what can I say, I love the hobby so I gladly do it so I can enjoy, and look half decent doing it................
  18. I plan on being there......... :mc_smiley: the wife is trying to get Friday the 16th off so we can leave as soon as she gets home from work Thursday. Can't wait!!!........... :mc_smiley:
  19. It was a fun weekend.... :mc_smiley: Saturday was definitely the best day, weather, rides, dunes, etc. Well my group ended up flaking out on me at the last minute But it was a nice weekend with just the family, it was very relaxing to say the least and I got more :mc_smiley: than usual because I wasn't up like usual. But I did want to thank those that offered for my family and I to stay with them this past weekend, that was very nice and I might just take you up on in the futures I did meet a handful of you this weekend and that was cool also to finally be able to meet some of you. Wish I could have met more, but there was a lot of peeps at the ride on Saturday. That ride was a blast, and I totally enjoyed driving my mid-travel VW powered rail trying to keep up with all those High-travel big powered cars..........That was FUN!! I was 3rd and 4th gear all the way......... Anyway, we headed out by 8:30 am on Sunday morning to try to beat some of that wind on the drive home. My next Dumont trip will be the weekend of the cleanup so hopefully I can meet another handful of you then. Hey Pete, it was very cool to finally have met you and I hope everything is still going your moms way as far as recovery is concerned............
  20. HappyHour is....................OUT!!!!!!! :dance: :ahhhhh: :fro: :smoker: :dance: :tapdance:
  21. Thanks everybody :redhat: It looks as if there will be a camp after all. One other motorhome and a couple of straglers, so it doesn't appear as if we will be by our lonesome. Dinicolada, if you want to come camp with us, you are more than welcome to. I plan on being at my usual spot which is about 75 yards north of the camp host, the gentleman with the bright orange construction mesh fence around his camp next to bathroom #10. But anyway, everybody drive safe getting out there and I'm looking forward to meeting at least a couple of you. I plan on being at the group ride Sat. at 2pm...........See-Ya there :dance: Let's go have a good time and hope the best for Pete's mom................ :ahhhhh:
  22. Hey everybody.........it appears as if my group is slowing falling apart for this weekend. The wife and I still want to go, but don't want to be by our lonesome. Was wondering if anyone would mind us pulling up and taking a little bit or real estate next to thier camp? It hasn't totally fallen apart, but if it does, I was just wondering. It will be me, my wife, my 2 year old daughter, and my little dog. Just wondering....Thanks. :ahhhhh:
  23. Pete, I'll think of you when I'm shooting across the face of a dune and every time I go over the top...... But seriously, I hope your mom gets better, I'll think good thoughts......
  24. Don't forget our Democratic Governor here in Kaleefornia........Mr. Schwartz-how ever you spell it. He's on that global warming band wagon also.............
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