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Everything posted by HappyHour

  1. Hey Terry...........I went out there the weekend before T-Day and was handed a tri-fold when I entered. Although I already knew basically what it said, I read through it anyway. I must say, it is very informative and did look good........................good job..........
  2. My Thanksgiving report...............I spent a very relaxing weekend at home with my wife and baby girl. We had a very nice T-day dinner with the family and spent the rest of the weekend chillin' out I was at Dumont the weekend before and never once did I wish I was out there with every other Tom, d*ck, and Harry in the western hemisphere.......... Just to get this thread back on track........... :fro: :jester:
  3. Chuck, I appreciate and respect your opinion regarding this topic. I do disagree with it emensely. That is what is great about living in the USA..........we can agree to disagree!! The people who own this car are what I would consider friends of mine. I have camped with them a ton of times out at Dumont and I am just so very glad that the lovely lady driving this car and her passenger are OK...... :jester: See you in the sand........... :fro: "And that's all I have to say about that"............
  4. My condolenses go out to the family. It is a shame to lose anyone that enjoys our hobby and especially someone who has been around for this long.......a true veteran of the hobby!!! My thoughts go out to this family in this time of loss and truely wish them the best. The HappyHour Family.
  5. Nicely put bro.......... :yeah_whatever:
  6. Hey Chuck.......the car did exactly what it was supposed to do. It did not "crumble" as you say. The cockpit area bars stayed upright and did not crush. They kept the driver and passenger safe so they could walk away from it. I don't care what kind of car you have, if you roll and have at least 3 good hits, bars are going to bend, some will even crack and break apart, but as long as the cockpit area stays upright and protects the driver and passengers, it DID do it's job!!!! I worked on Nascar stock cars for 14 years and I have seen a lot of crashes, and seeing what this frame went through, I would definitely buy the same car again and again. Fact is, the driver and passenger walked away from the roll, they are sore, but not broken up and most of all ALIVE.... You say the car "barely did it's job".......I say it most definitely did it's job.......
  7. Glad you are ok..........and you are right, the car did it's job!! :hug: Take it easy and we'll see ya later.......... :dance: :fro: Mrs. Knevil.........
  8. Sanddune addict............who's LT car was that?? A buddy of mine owns that car and his wife drives it also. It freaked me out to see the pics and hope that they are ok. His name is John and his wifes name is Yvonne. If anyone knows the condition of them and knows what happened, please let me know before I email them asking and sound like an idiot..............Thanks!!
  9. ISBB...........it is a tad early, I just wanted to be the first..........
  10. So lay it on us...............how was it?? Crowded?? Weather?? What did you observe during the weekend?? How many crazies at Comp Hill??? All the good stuff.......... :dance: :fro: :whip_em:
  11. When we went out last weekend, we ate at the Bob's Big Boy that is in Baker where the old Bun Boy was. I have to say it was good, just like I remember from when I was a kid. There is a new one in Barstow also, I personally hope Bob's Big Boy makes a come back............I love that place!!!!!
  12. That's funny she came to our camp and asked where pooper 9 was, we pointed it out, and she was still lost To make a long story short, it turned out to be a long night and my buddy got his truck stuck trying to help her after we drove her all over the flats. She was an odd one, as well as a person that shouldn't be cruising around at night until she gets a better lay of the land during the day. It turned out that she was by pooper 9 and just didn't recognize her camp at night. Kind of frustrating :argue: but she got back to her group and I guess it all turned out good.
  13. It was an awesome weekend We showed up on Thursday afternoon and made camp. The wife, my baby girl, and me just hung out all day and night until my friends showed up on Friday. I'm such a bad poster, I don't think I took one picture this past weekend Anyway, the dunes were rough at the hill and on the face of the dunes, but once we got back into the dunes on rides, they smoothed out a bunch. Unfortunately my buddy and myself helped out a medical crew that was called to Dumont at about 12:30 am Friday night. A guy racing up Comp on his quad went off the top but I think he hit the brakes just as he did. He did tumble and at last report Saturday morning from the fire crew, he broke his lower back and might be paralyzed from the waist down. We took the crew up to him and because the back board wouldn't fit in my car (it was the biggest that was there), they had to walk him down to the bottom and then load him on the life-flight helicopter. Then, Saturday night, we helped a lost lady find her way back to her camp at about mid-night. Then to top it all off, my buddy blows his motor in his rail at the north pole and I have to tow him all the way back to camp. So besides helping out a lot, it was a awesome weekend :shocked2: There is going to be a ton of people out there for T-day. They were aleady coming in starting today to claim the spots they want. So to all of you going this weekend, have fun, & be safe!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Less than 24 hours and Dumont here I come........ :freakin_nuts:
  15. Hmmmm.........DDR.........Group sex...............is that such a bad thing??? :bash:
  16. Have a super time at Pismo :bash: I hear ya on that 5 hour drive thing.........but have fun!!!
  17. Hey Veets...........if you wanna camp with us, you are more than welcome to. We have been going to Dumont since 1999. We (My wife, my daughter, and I) have a very non-drama, quiet camp. We like to chill and have a few drinks by the fire. We are leaving on Thursday about mid-day and should be there before sundown. A couple of friends of mine are rolling out Friday night. So if you wanna hang out, post back here and we can hook-up.............. :eatdrink021:
  18. I'll be sure to save some at the base of the big dunes for ya.......... :eatdrink021:
  19. Will be there Thursday mid-afternoon until Sunday............can't wait............
  20. My personal opinion on this may be kind of brutal, but it's the way I feel. If you are going to drink and drive, no matter how much or how little you have had to drink, you deserve what's coming to you just for being an idiot. That's stands for myself also. I have gotten into my car after having a few to drink and if I crash or get busted, then that's MY fault and I don't expect anyone to feel sorry for me because I was an idiot. Thankfully nothing has happened probably due to the fact that on those extremely rare occassions that I do drive, I never get past 2nd gear and a max of 20 MPH. I have no sympathy for anyone who wants to get in a car, rail, dirtbike, etc. after they have had too much to drink and they hurt themselves and yes, even die. I am very much in favor of personal responsibility and you want to do that, then have at it, but don't come crying to me when something goes terribly wrong. Be safe and go home at the end of the weekend.
  21. Hey Gray---- I have had a lot, I mean alot of broken bones in my short 36 years of life. Believe it or not, sprains or strains of muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc. do tend to swell up more than a broken bone would. Your Dr. is probably right in telling you that it is not broken. Speaking from experience, my suggestion to you is to go see an Orthopedic Dr. for your 2nd opinion. They are the bone specialists. My thought is that if you have an questions, or feel like you need a 2nd opinion.........by all means get one. Hope your wrist feels better soon and this is just my $.02..............
  22. That just proves that there is an idiot born everyday............
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