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Everything posted by stalteri

  1. wtf, you had me for a second, damn your a funny dude Pete
  2. I can get 2 bikes on the back rack and the 50 in side...
  3. I know its not a "Toy Hauler" but it does the job, and its paid for
  4. Just don"t get anywhere near me.
  5. Nick , you always have a place to sleep in our fithwheel On the floor with the dogs :headbang: J/k no really we have a couch you can use if I can ever get out there with you guys....
  6. I would have to agree as well only cause I like blue though :headbang:
  7. It was cool, but not where I wanted to be (Dumont) I still have about 1/2 keg of miller lite left if you guys are intrested in helping me get rid of it, so I can get a new beer on tap.....
  8. Thats scary , as long as everbody is okay though
  9. Are those kids seats in the back?
  10. Since some of us were not able to go , your gunna have to tell us how it was :angry2:, so @ least we can feel like we were there....
  11. If your one of the lucky ones that can't make it out to dumont this New Years :angry2: , but still want to party , c'mon by. Say around 7 ish, I'm in the Henderson area and will be having a casual get together with some fellow dune riders that can't get out to Dumont either this weekend. I have a full bar, pool table, hot tub and some Crusty Demons on the Big screen, Pm me for directions seeya Tony...
  12. 07 models might be FI, 450 spotted racing in Japan but no word from Yamaha when it will be in the states. I think I might wait awhile. You know they have to change something sooner or later besides the CCs. :DDR_rocks!:
  13. stalteri


    yeah yeah yeah, whatever
  14. stalteri


    What about a king size white bed sheet
  15. If you are so lucky to get a new 450, I want one ride on it up comp.
  16. I like Crown chilled, its the only hard stuff that I can mix and not have to worry about driving the bus later in the night
  17. ISBB I can help u out, I live right down the street it is the least I can do for a fellow duner I have a truck so let me know what day. Im off after 5, give me a call 357-6783 tommorrow if you haven't found some one to help you yet. See Ya
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