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  1. SWEET! you guys can come over even faster to loose your money.
  2. RIP Chuck, miss ya buddy .. Candice my heart goes out to you guys, I wish ya all the love and healing in the world. Bob
  3. That would be awesome. Problem is, 99.9% of the people we elect are outright liars. They promise one thing, then get elected and do the opposite. Its sad that congress is in charge of policing itself.
  4. Wow that really sucks, I'm so sorry for ya. Back in January I had to make that decision to put my pup down after 14 years, and I got him when he was 7 weeks old. For a long part of his life moving here from wisconsin he was all I had for a long time. Fortunately (hard to say that) I decided to take him in on a Tuesday, and thank goodness I didn't have to. Dunno if I could have done it. The night before I laid on the floor with him for hours after getting home from work and I'm so grateful he passed naturally in my arms. Cripes I still get teary eyed thinking about it. I'm sorry man, they're such a big part of your lives, and it's terrible we have to lose them. My condolences bro, be strong.
  5. If you really want to do some mods, check out Aaen Performance. They've been building Polaris sleds and ATV's forever. Great stuff, great performance and quality!
  6. I rent my quads from Abbott all the time, love dealing with him, and even if they're customers bikes, it means his overhead is really cheap! It's still the largest and nicest shop in town with the most parts with the cheapest prices :kissass:
  7. ALL of us. Its mandatory we all race, like Alamo. We're closing the shop for that day to spend drinki....oops racing :beer_bang:
  8. This time its in Pahrump! Those of you that missed Alamo missed out on a good time, we had such a blast! Here's the flyer... http://www.handhmotorsportspromotions.com/
  9. Not to be rude or sound like a jerk, but he has a point. There's only so much you're going to get out of a 2 valve head, and by the time youre done you could have bought a 450.
  10. Michael Moore ate my baby! :dumbass:
  11. I like to hide my post :porn:
  12. Something we're going to... ALAMO BARREL RACING Friday July 3rd - Alamo Rodeo Grounds Sign up at 6pm Racing starts at 7pm $10 per entry = 3 runs All ATV and Dirt Bikes welcome Pee Wee ages and up. Its a fun event, I hope if anyone wants to go they will, should be a good time, and benefits the local high school athletics. And yes we're hoping we have enough for an ATC70 class. :worthless_without_pics:
  13. He settled all of his cases out of court. I don't see many innocent people doing that. He PAID his way out of jail.
  14. Place : Rodeo grounds, Alamo, Nevada Time : 6pm registration starts. Racing starts at 7pm. $10 entry for 3 runs. Dirt Bikes, ATV's all welcome. AND We're trying to get enough people to have an ATC70 class. There will be prizes and such. SO COME ON OUT AND SHOW YER SCHTUFF!!! More info call ATV Cycle Sports 702-222-3586 :atc: :atc: :atc: :atc: :atc: :atc: :atc: :atc: :atc: :atc:
  15. I'd love to keep an eye out for em, but you need to fix the pic so we know what we're looking for!
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