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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. Thanks!!! Now I just need to find a lower bunk for it.
  2. LOL yeah that is an option, but would really like to have a real bunk.
  3. I bought a new to me Weekend Warrior, that the lower bunk was taken out of and I would like to find one to put back in it. This is the lower queen size electric bunk, if anyone knows of one for sale, please let me know.
  4. My bad, I had read this thread yesterday afternoon and just jumped in this am to post. http://leginfo.ca.gov/pub/11-12/bill/asm/ab_1251-1300/ab_1266_bill_20120925_chaptered.html
  5. So is there still some ammendments going on with this law? Talking with Steve last night, seems that this would open up Cali for some lawsuits, buy discriminating against short, disabled, or vertically challenged adults.
  6. I will go to either one, they both sound like good eats.
  7. http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/technolog/hackers-leak-1-million-apple-device-ids-977988
  8. I look forward to our dysfunctional family reunion on the 70's LOL
  9. Didn't know you were a DDR member, thanks for the tires and good meeting you!
  10. Long article, but worth the read. http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2012/08/apple-amazon-mat-honan-hacking/all/
  11. I am in either way, even talked to a couple more cali people that said they would come out.
  12. I am right there with ya, I cannot wait to hit some sand, lucky for me we are hitting ST Anthony Sand Dunes at the end of August.
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