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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. Your 100% right and I agree, was just curious to know. Back in the mini truck days, guys would carry specific laws in their trucks, sometimes it would help other times it would not. I will say I am glad for the rangers/LEO's that we have in Dumont compared to those in Glamis!! They are a lot more understanding in comparison IMO!
  2. Randy, good for you for going above and beyond!!
  3. This is from Imperial Sand Dunes ORGANIZED GROUP ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS. You may not stage, carry out,participate in, or sponsor an organized event or activity without written authorization from BLM (e.g. customer appreciation days, competitive races, bands, videos, movies, etc.). http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/elcentro/recreation/ohvs/isdra/dunesinfo/lawenforcement/rules_regs.html
  4. Last year they were really cool about it, just asking people to put a light on their bikes, it would be a shame if everyone got a ticket. I wonder what the actual legal definition of organized event is.
  5. Someone over there got mad about it?
  6. That is who I might, but they are just slow as hell to do anything.
  7. I can ship, just makesme nervous that I might not get all the little pieces back.
  8. I don't know that they would invest the time, maybe do a vin check to see if it is stolen. If you bought it in Utah and did not pay the take and title fee's there, you most likely just received a certificate or origine.
  9. Is there a shop that does this in Las Vegas and will do a good job?
  10. This one? This is the link I saw on GD for a stolen playtech http://www.glamisdunes.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=258218&hl=playtech
  11. I love the idea, being able to get a title for OHV's and being able to get a duplicate should you have lost your title is good news to me. Right now I have 4 bikes with titles and none of them are in my name, so if I loose the title I am stuck.
  12. Ditto! Like said above, if your a bigger guy both weight and height, the Raptor is usually a better fit. I prefer the YFZ due to the reasons stated above, but it can be a stiff ride (that can be easily fixed). The Raptor is a smoother ride, some nice forgiving torque if you forget to drop a gear when needed. AaronB is about 6'2" and 240 lbs and still prefers the YFZ, even got rid of his Raptor to go back to a YFZ.
  13. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/47392438#.T62MCsXYH3Y
  14. No they have RE port their heads, I know where TJ has it done and never said he could not get it done, just that he does not do it. TJ can build a good bike, but if your going to send a head out, I personally would choose KENZ or MMAD for a YFZ head. If it was a TRX I would then say Kenz or RE for porting.
  15. The 3 big shops in the west that do top notch Port and Polish on a YFZ are Kenz Cycle Tech MMAD Racers Edge Kenz and MMAD are getting the best flow numbers out of a YFZ head and Kenz, with Kenz being less expensive.
  16. It was good to see some DDR peeps again!
  17. Pure evil does not port and polish, I would ship it to Kenz Cycle Tech!
  18. http://www.yfztech.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=28357&pid=262168&st=0entry262168 Follow that link a lot better shock
  19. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0017LBJGK/ref=redir_mdp_mobile
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