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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. My battery will not last the night, using just the heater.
  2. That is fine Oscar, I have a fix for noisy generators!!! ha ha ha I read a couple bad things about them and the way they just stop running, but most of the fixes lead back to crappy spark plugs that come with them. He has 1 12 volt and a built in heater, he should be able to run off of a 1k generator I would think just for a heater fan and TV.
  3. Oscar it is to loud and the people you are camping with will hate you lol. I know you said the Honda was a bit much, but take a look at the Honeywell's, they are a little cheaper and you should be able to get away with a 1k gen for a TV and heater.
  4. http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2011/05/injured_atv_racer_battles_his.html
  5. The Custom Shop, they are a site sponsor also!!!
  6. There is not going to be any night drags!!!
  7. Here is a Jeep that my brother has for sale, I have seen it in person and it looks very nice!!
  8. Tickets got out of control on price WOW
  9. IMO I have a hard time trusting off name brand batteries, if they do not supply the proper voltage, then you could fry the laptop.
  10. Glad your back Cole, need to grab a beer sometime.
  11. See if Pete or Nick will make a sticky, with the video's
  12. Could just buy this one http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/rvs/2309022501.html
  13. Shutdown avoided? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42467884/ns/politics-capitol_hill/
  14. Joey it is run what you brung, people would probably get a kick out of the 70.
  15. I have been told that the spray paint was actually before the night drags, but there was still a bunch of a$$hats. Not a private event, since there is nothing planned, just had some thoughts for Tate, that I was not going to share in the open and not because of you guys.
  16. Well put Terry and just incase you have not see the great maps on this site, here is a link to them. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/maps.html
  17. Tate I will get with you off the boards and give you a person to convince!! Just need to watch the azzhats that like to make trash and spray paint. Need to keep it to those that are truly there to enjoy being at the hill and not destroy stuff or leave their trash.
  18. I was shocked to learn how much power they loose to the wheels, but they still move out in stock trim and are a blast to drive.
  19. Where are you staying? If you going to take the 160 (blue diamond), you could take that to Tecopa Rd, then take Tecopa rd to the 127. The road is a little rougher this way, but faster then going to Pahrump. You could go to Baker and then back up the 127 to Dumont, kind of depends on what side of town you are coming from.
  20. There is more than several hundered feet of mountains lol
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