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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. Your priced really high on this, sorry not trying to ruin you thread, but this is pretty steep.
  2. Click the upload now button, at the top of the screen. Then there will be a box in the middle of the screen, with a green bar saying select photos and videos, when you click it a window will popup and in it you will select the location and files that you wish to upload. You can select multiple files by holding down the Ctrl button located on your keyboard. When you have the files selected, click open and the files will be uploaded. You will now be sitting at a screen that shows the files you uploaded, you can add a title and description to them and then choose the save and continue button, located to the right side of the screen. You can create folders and organize your pictures also. To post them, go to the album with the picture you want and hover over it, a bunch of links will be displayed below it, copy the img link and paste it in your post.
  3. DDR shortcourse race trip? Find a close rv park and bring some haulers?
  4. I like musicjunk, but you have to find the .apk file on the net and install apk installer from the market.
  5. Get a photobucket account http://www.photobucket.com this will also help when you want to email the pics to someone, you can just email a link. When you get the photo's uploaded on photobucket, just copy the tagged link that is associated to the picture on photobucket ( will be infront of it) and paste the link in your thread.
  6. These won't fit Blasters, those are the only bike that has it's own bolt pattern, unless the newer ones changed. You should also post these on http://www.yfztech.com or http://www.moddedraptor.com if you haven't already.
  7. WOW Vic, glad they are ok, captured a clip from your vid that just makes me go WOW!!!
  8. Sam do you still have the spring on it, from the carb to the arm? or am I thinking of the wrong thing?
  9. Same here, Verizon+Droid+Dumont=Bueno
  10. LOL I don't, but thougt I was going to get run over when I was stopping him so he could close it. But I was standing right there when he made the first pass over the fire with the door open.
  11. Tell me about it Jack, I have the PDF's for the 660 Raptor, 700 Raptor, YFZ, ATC's, TRX450's. I printed out two of the manuals and said forget it.
  12. Also go to the top of 70talk and download the manual, this is a great tool.
  13. You could just wind, the spring tighter.
  14. He has the YFZ style shocks it looks like, so he should be ok for now. I think a couple clicks at a time should do it on the rebound adjustment, but honestly, it did not look like it bounced enough. If your really ambitious, call up Elka and see what the cost would be to revalve and spring your stockers.
  15. Not much of a bounce, but you could go a couple clicks out on the rebound.
  16. So when you first got the chain, the tentioner was all the way up and you had 3" of slack, from the top of the tentioner to the wher the chain goes up to? You have taken one link out and now with the tentioner all the way down, you still cannot connect the chain. That does not sound possible, if you only took one link out, you should still have slack.
  17. You had 3" of play, now that you removed just one link you don't have any? Did you adjust your tentioner? Worse case buy another master link, but something does not add up.
  18. Definately clean, good luck with the sale!
  19. This bike is making 59HP? Looks like it was well kept.
  20. Oh yeah and on the same motor, runs like a champ for being OLD!!! lol
  21. When you buy the chain, it is to long and you have to cut them. They allow for gearing changes, so loosen your tentioner, adjust it to about the middle of its travel and figure out how many lengths you need removed. This should allow for gearing changes both up and down.
  22. Joey glad to see your ok and good to see you again (since 5 years ago when I bought my 70 from you). Just wondering, are you going to put a 70 motor on the chair?
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