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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. 2 walls is nothing and internet browsing speed versus streaming media speed are separate issue. I can watch netflix on a wireless connection through 2 walls and it plays just fine, so I don't think it is your router. I just don't want to see you just start buying hardware for no reason.
  2. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/40787398#40787398
  3. A buddy of mine in Utah, loves these in their race pit bikes and runs them in his 70's
  4. If you have the lowest service level they offer, then it could be the issue. Call and verify what speed levels you have, there may also be a issue with COX. PC could be an issue, if there is a virus or an application always going out to the internet. T1 is 1.5 MB full duplex (up and down at the same time), the cox depending on which level of service he has could be 10MB down and 2 MB up (half duplex). Granted it is shared media, but should be faster than your T1 assuming he has a good connection and that level of service.
  5. That is more then likely your Wii or the internet connection, not the router, Since the router does not buffer any information.
  6. http://shop.pitsterpro.com/close-ratio160crateengine-3.aspx
  7. Come on Pete, it is like crack, once your bitten you cannot stop!!! LOL I am not sure which is better, just seems like the Glamis guys with the really big motors have stuck with the GPX or Pahrana motors. But Pete's 110 does rip and sounds like he did good for the money!
  8. If I remember right, those guys are running GPX or Pirahna motors. I know that GPX makes a 160cc crate motor and then you can buy bigger carbs, race heads, ECT... Checkout http://www.pitsterpro.com for some motor options.
  9. Contact Information Kenz Cycle Tech 480-962-1714 218 E Broadway Rd Mesa, AZ 85210 When are you looking to do it and for what type of motor?
  10. Jack it is super easy to put them on, just takes time.
  11. if you cannot find anyone local, call Ken at Kenz Cycle Tech in Arizona, I am sure he can get it done for you.
  12. Pete posted the link in the bottom on his post. But here you go http://www.redart.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=336&Itemid=21
  13. If you end up buying a carb, call Rocky Mountain Cummings, they have the cheapest prices!!! I think I paid $185.00 for a carb. I still cannot believe that they do not make rebuild kits for these.
  14. I would suggest Pure Evil, they have a shop and are doing some great work!
  15. Yeah I have to say, I am completely facinated with CNC machines.
  16. I wanted to get out there Saturday for the day, but I have a ton of stuff to do, so I am playing it by ear.
  17. 77.33 HP and if that is still a low reading Dyno like it has been in the past, then it is probably more like a low/mid 80's duner!! Should be a beast out there for sure, cannot wait to see it run.
  18. Just keep in mind, that it is possible for oil to get past the rings and into the cylinder, so when you get to your destination, let it sit for a few minutes before starting it.
  19. Some motors like the Raptor 700 you are not supposed to, due to engine design, but I have seen them transported that way without issues.
  20. The top picture shows that it is an aftermarket motor. Can the 5 year old use a clutch, because this one is not an automatic.
  21. I assume your talking about Haulers? I don't have a set, but what size are you looking for 20" 22", just might help.
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