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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. Very sharp looking Blaster, good luck with the sale!
  2. Jimmy how about some pocket lint, $5, and a shinny bottle cap?
  3. <object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>
  4. We live in the NorthWest and the back way through Indian Springs then Pahrump is longer and you burn a little more gas, but is much easier on your rig.
  5. Never buy a ProComm CDI, not sure if they are even made for a RZR, but they are usually junk.
  6. These same doors? http://www.proarmor.com/store/product_info.php?cPath=806_782_768_1014&products_id=1720&osCsid=of2qmiuo5v76k4o2ike9ibbru6
  7. Don't use them when you want to merge in down town Chicago, they will just close the gap!!
  8. Capt I think we were screwed no matter which one won the vote
  9. Gee I wonder why, look at her face in this one lol
  10. Carwin was beating him like a red headed step child the first round of their fight also.
  11. Yeah and believe it or not, I have only run that motor for about 5 seconds. This truck has never been run, I just don't have the patients anymore lol
  12. 0w40 does Polaris suggest that weight oil? I run Motul also 300V 4T 15 50w. Honestly for most rec riders, just run the factory stuff and you will be just fine in your ATV's if you change your oil like you should. I change mine after every big weekend or after a few day trips, oil is cheaper than a new motor.
  13. Me too, saved like $60 or more on the carb.
  14. Pete call Rocky Mountain Cummins, they are located on Losee and seem to be cheaper on Onan parts.
  15. Congrats Bert, you guys are doing some amazing work!!!
  16. Thanks Bert, started out what was to be a TMAXX upgrade and I just said screw it and dumped the TMAXX and built this. I have never even run the motor, guess it just took to long to build and I lost interest. I want to sell it and maybe get a 5T.
  17. Here is a truck with WAY to much money into it!!!
  18. My brother-in-law can get whatever you need from them, let me know and I will ask him.
  19. Yeah good luck here also and like Pete said, they will respond to emails. This is directly from their site: BEATRICE CYCLE INC. PH 1-402-766-4940 BUT PLEASE E-MAIL ALL QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS.
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