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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. There are guys with bigger motors in there 70's
  2. Capt There is a guy on YFZTECH.COM that is looking for a set of arms
  3. Well I planned on going, but when I went to start mine, it was not getting fuel. When I looked at it further, I noticed that the fuel filter was CLOGGED!!! All that garbage in my take clogged the filter, line, and the outlets from the tank!!! I took it apart and cleaned the carb real good and replaced the fuel line and filters but thought I needed a rebuild kit. Well got it cleaned and she runs great for a 28yr old motor lol Hope to make the next one and from the looks of it, bring a change of clothes for the ride home LOL
  4. I might be able to make it for that, seems early enough to work!!
  5. Don't forget his bent forks and light socket bouncing off the tire as he came down the road! LOL
  6. I am selling my daughters quad, she is to big for it and never really even rode it. The bike has low hours, it comes complete with Sand Stars (paddles), original dirt tires with over 95% tread, and a set of NEW AC Racing Nerfs that were never installed. This bike is in great shape and has never had a problem.
  7. Island I know I have asked you this before, but I think I bought my 70 from you like 5 or more years ago. If you guys get together, I am down for that, Coles was a blast last time!! I could even bring the radar gun again and get some more speed checks like nick toping 29 mph again.
  8. They are good, added oil capacity is good for cooling, the link did not work so not sure on the make.
  9. I have been searching the net on replacing the steering wheel controls. One site a guy posted to disconnect the battery, pop out the airbag and then wiggle out the lights because they are just pressed in. Does the following sound right? "You disconnect the battery, wait 5min (for the airbag) remove the airbag, pop out the buttons from inside the wheel, they are just pushed in the spokes of the wheel. The only problem I had getting them out was with the wire harness attached to them. It's real short so you have to carefully wiggle them around to get them out far enough to get to the wire harness. Once you have them out you can carefully dissasemble them (they are just cliped together, I used a very small screwdriver) and pop out the circut board where the bulbs are soldered on. Use a small soldering iron to remove the bulbs and don't loose the little white sockets from the bulbs (you will re-use them). Then (or now) go to your local Radio Shack and buy some micro lamps # 272-1092 (two per pack and each button contains two bulbs). Re-attach the bulbs to the sockets, (there will be two styles of sockets used if you do them all) and re solder them to the boards. Sounds complicated but it's relly not just make sure you have a small enough soldering iron and be careful not to touch the resistors near the bulbs with the iron. I used a butane soldering iron I had from Mac Tools and it worked perfect. BTW the airbag comes off with a small flat screwdriver that fits in the little holes onthe sides of the wheel. You have to push the silver spring clips in on each side and it will release. "
  10. Tom the guy who runs it is also looking for help on the Thursday before the race, to help setup the track. Fridays he does a grudge racing session, so for those that would like to challenge their buddies to a race, you can pay a fee and run the groomed hill. If you are able help, go to http:\\www.fourstrokeassociation.com and let him know, they are a great family and could use the help.
  11. Good luck with the sale, looks like a nice bike.
  12. Bump for a good guy, this is a very nice rail with low hours
  13. I have the Droid with the slide out keyboard, did you get the Droid X or Droid 2?
  14. Photobucket has a cool app that as you take a pic, it automatically loads them into your photorbucket for you. Redbox has a pretty cool app also, if you rent from there. Barcode scanner has been useful once and a while. Slacker Radio is a very cool app, it is along the lines of Pandora. I use Chomp for texting, creates the bubbles like an iPhone. There are a ton of apps that are very handy.
  15. Very cool Bert, it is good to see it coming along!
  16. The Droid 2 from the articles that I have read, stated that it is a 1000MHz processor, which would be the same speed as the Droid X.
  17. Race fuel keeps pretty good if you keep it in a metal can and out of the sun.
  18. I have to come check one of these out!!
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