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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. I buy mine by the pale, it is VP C14 and it run about $85 per pale at Haycock. I know if you buy it by the barrel it gets cheaper per gallon and you can take the barrel back and claim the deposite. What are you putting it in, size motor, compression?
  2. OK just from my experience and I have plenty, sometimes it is not the doctor, but the insurance companies. The insurance companies for doctors to follow a certain process and the doctor really has no choice or will hear backlash from the ins company. Stupid lame retarded, I agree, but this is the way my doctor explained it to me.
  3. The inside is tagged up also, they got it inside and out!
  4. Verizon has the contract with the emergency services out there, so I doubt they are going to hinder their coverage there IMHO.
  5. Yeah we use to rent from Cruise America, until one time we were coming back a tiny bit late and my dad rushed it over there while we followed a few minutes behind to pick him up and they had the attitude to get your crap out of the MOHO and we are closing the gates, would not even give him 10min for us to get there and help. Road Bear was great everytime we rented from them.
  6. Road Bear is the best I have dealt with, but there are several here like Cruise America ect...
  7. It was a great time, some losers still do not get the hit to pickup their own crap, so we went back to the hauler grabbed some trash bags and came back. Was glad that when people saw the bags they came to help. I will post a couple picks I have later
  8. Pat is right, call Yoshi, they will tell you the jets needed and keep it a tiny bit rich.
  9. I use mine at Dumont without issue, even browse the net with it, but that is a little spotty. Most of the new phones have weaker antennas from what I have seen vs the old just phone devices.
  10. AB call Charlie, he is Coles buddy over at http://www.red7ride.com/index.htm they are in Hendo and he can probably help you.
  11. I don't have anything Cowboy or Indian lol
  12. Me and my daughter were home the other night when someone knocked on the door at 10:30 PM and when I looked out the kitched window, there was some old truck sitting running infront of my house. I asked through the door who was there and they would not answer, grabbed the Glock just incase and asked again, but still no answer about 5 min later I finally heard the truck drive off. I have heard on the news that theives are entering homes through open doors while people are home and robbing them and growing more and more common. I was just waiting for them to kick the door or something, with the Glock pointed at the door they weren't getting far, even had a spare clip in the back pocket.
  13. Lube the chain Check grease fitting in suspension clean the air filter nut and bolt the bike, make sure things are still tight air pressure plug wires Coolant level ect.....
  14. Were you happy with the purchase of the kit? Hope it ran really well for you.
  15. You wouldn't happen to live out by Town Square would you?
  16. Motorola Droid – MR2 Software Release Overview: New software (ESE53) has been approved for the Motorola Droid (A855); customers will begin to receive the software update notification starting Thursday March 18, 2010. Key Advantages: Email - Yahoo Mail is now supported - customers can simply sign in with their Yahoo! Email address and password Pinch to Zoom now available in the Browser, Maps, and Gallery Speech-to-Text - Customers can now use their voice instead of typing whenever a text-entry box appears Google Goggles is now preloaded The new Gallery application uses 3D layout and shows both pictures taken with the customer's Android device and images from Picasa Web Albums account online Resolution: Devices can only receive the update during the 'check in' process and are unable to pull the upgrade manually. Customers should ensure 40% battery power prior and will not be able to use their device during the update process. Below is the software-upgrade notification schedule (times listed are Pacific Standard): At 9 AM PST on 3/18, 1,000 users will receive notification of the update. At 8:59 PM PST on 3/18, 9,000 more users will receive the update notification. After the first 10,000 users receive the update on 3/18, there will be a 24-hour period when no additional upgrades will be delivered. On Day 3 (3/20), 200,000 users will receive the update notification at 8:59 PM PST. This schedule will continue each day thereafter until the update has been delivered to all users. Upgrade Instructions: External: Customers may be directed to http://www.verizonwireless.com/droidsupport for complete details including steps to upgrade their Motorola Droid.
  17. It is actually in large part that Apple is in contract with AT&T till 2nd half 2010.
  18. Your going to have a wait, if or when it does come out, most reports say it not going to be the same as the one AT&T has, supposed to be a light version, whatever that means.
  19. I think Cole needs to make a trophy for the most useless thread!!!
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