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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. The ATC is a 6v system, using points and condenser, I think the 85 and TRX's are 12v.
  2. Chris, Take a look at a sparks or ESR exhaust for that bike and yes a full system is better than a slipon. Change your intake to a K&N or even better a FCI (not if you ride in water). If you have the time, do the cammod it is free and helps a little.
  3. Watch the spacing, to line up the sprocket on the Lifan with the rear sprocket, some you have to shim. From what I have talked to people, you are just as good to buy the full 88kit as you are the 125 lifan. I have not tried this to prove it, but some Utah guys have. You do not have to stretch the frame for the 125 Lifan, if the motor hits the fender, your frame is bent and you need to see the thread on how to fix it. You will either have to cut the rear fenders or use the pull start conversion like rush is planning on. Also find a CRF50 exhaust, the stocker is just going to cork up the power your adding with the new motor. If you know an exhaust guy, supposedly you can make a slight bend and make the CRF exhaust work like Aaron B did. You should look at the 150cc motors. http://shop.pitsterpro.com/custombuilt150.aspx
  4. DrAtv sells the plug that goes into it also and they have the wiring diagram I believe.
  5. Those parts should be the same as the ATC
  6. the electronics are different on a early 80's atc vs a 86-87 trx
  7. Travis is the 70 PIMP :B
  8. What the F...... Kristin you cannot sell your 70!!!
  9. Onieda Suzuki ships oil, but I don't remember the carrier.
  10. still have 2 atc tires and I think I can get a couple more
  11. 70k on my DMAX and no issues, other than the stupid blue rubber boot under the hood that joins the turbo tube. 06 cummins, just stock some transmissions lol
  12. No worries, I will see who all is going with me and get them all registered and good job on aquiring the event a sponsor!! Funny how all of this started from just a convo on trying to do a group thing on a off weekend last year, things just keep growing!!
  13. I will be there, just have to reg and a couple others should be coming with me.
  14. www.dratv.com is a great site for parts, I have not looked for fenders for a TRX, but here is one site that I found right away that has them. Look around though, I am sure you can find them a bit cheaper. http://www.powersportsfx.com/sa/cart/found...arch_term=trx70 Cheaper price http://www.mawonline.com/google/PM11690R.HTM
  15. That is awesome Rebecca congrats, glad it worked out!
  16. TRX70? if so those count in everyones book I think.
  17. I sent him a email also, I will let you know if I hear anything.
  18. Not much to look at but here is a pic just incase you need some.
  19. Maglite makes wall mount holders for D cell flash lights. http://maglitesales.com/maglitestore/Acces...-D-Cell-ASXD026
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