I used the acid also, but you might want to look at the kreem products, they have one to clean also, but more importantly after you clean it, they have a liner product to protect and seal it after it is clean.
Since my truck is not under warranty, I would like to find a downloadable version of a service/shop manual and start doing some of the maintnance stuff myself.
Not all of us can afford those fancy $2,000,000.03 dollar cameras Peter!!!!
Besides, you have to take your pic down, no pro's allowed www.actionshutter.net
The Lectron is not a carb for duning, this is a drag racing carb that loads up. They also will leak after time when the motor is not running and dump fuel into the motor. If it were me I would get rid of the Lectron, I know I got ride of mine and I have a built YFZ.
You should visit www.fourstrokeassociation.com and give some details there. I posted the like to this thread and your craigslist ad there, but it might carry more weight if you visit the site and let them know details. I am under the same user name there.
Craig sorry if this has been asked of you already, but why can we not get the same process and approval that Arizona gives their SxS's? How did they get their law passed? Is it possible to get someone from AZ envolved to solve this issue and reg them the same rather than slow moving?
I am in for $20, I think it is a great thing the BP does for our country. I also like the idea that you are trying to make sure our youth can go to school.
Glad that you are ok!!
A girl I know had a drunk driver back into her car hard enough to move the front end over 2 feet and when a buddy of our tried to stop him, the guy ran over his ankle. Well a few people started a little chase while calling the cops and they got the guy pinned in an apartment parking lot. Lets just say some punches were thrown (none by the drunk) and then he got held there while the guy who's ankle he ran over got to hobble over and just about knocked him out. Funny thing is that the police report just started the punches "may" have been thrown.