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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. You guys still alive? Sorry no more hi jack
  2. LOL looked like night of the living dead, when he would passout.
  3. I will be out next weekend for FSA and maybe one more if they hold another race there, but that is about it for this season in regards to weekend trips. I plan to hit Coral this year again and would like to check out Sand Hallow.
  4. SST support SSC no support, I am sure the guys that know these cars will chime in, but my brother-in-law has a SSC and has issues with getting any reply back from them.
  5. adhesion promoter and flex additive
  6. Just keeping an eye out for my fellow DDR peeps, would it be possible to pin this to the top Pete?
  7. http://www.sterdyproducts.com/manuals/atc70.pdf 85 link http://www.sterdyproducts.com/manuals/atc70_85.pdf
  8. Just a few photos, sorry camera was working like crap!!!
  9. Camera was trippin and it did not come out that clear
  10. I seriously can not wait for another chance to do that again
  11. A buddy of mine did his 350X that way and when he dripped gas on it, the paint wrinkled. I cannot wait to see the plastics though.
  12. Cole told you how to straighten the frame, but the crack in the head by the exhaust, seems to be a common issue and does not affect the way that it runs.
  13. I will be at Dumont and will try to make it, but will be running in FSA also that weekend.
  14. Rattle can? Don't get gas on that bad boy!
  15. Yeah it was my buddy Brian, he comes on the site but is not a member "YET". I can tell you he had so much fun there, he wants to buy another 70 and do more to it and his current one.
  16. LOL you barely had energy to ride the 70 around camp to gather wood for the fire by our trailer lol.
  17. I know what you mean Pete, I thought hell I am not going to win anything, but I will still get out there and run the track, then the first guy that went to pass me I was all and pinned it (yeah ok), but the agressiveness came out fast and I did everything I could to beat him.
  18. LOL Travis that was some funny stuff Cole on your back and when he was honking his horn calling your names. But it was just a little everclear, what harm could it have done?
  19. Opening weekend we should just make sure everyone brings their 70's out for some unofficial races lol. Just leave enough room for a track, no trophies no organization, just some grudge racing for fun. That way we could have the big organized Regatta as something special with all the organized events and such, but at the same time we could still get those that want to have fun on the 70's and camp together more opportunities. I am cool with the Regatta being something special, but it would suck to only race around with a large group less often, I just can not believe how much fun that was. I was so looking forward to more off weekends with the DDR group, but Pete you by far out did yourself!!! :hatdance: :dance:
  20. Cole your good peeps, but not the brightest bulb in the box lol. I have to say I would not want to be you when you get old, talk about effed up!!!
  21. I am with the both of them, this was beyond fun.
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