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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. Now I have only camped with you guys 3 times now (two night drags and "THE Regatta"), can anyone tell me if a better weekend DDR has been had and by so many people in the camp?
  2. Cole you would not do the shot I tried to give you, then Travis backed out and several others, but Tyler stepped up and did two.
  3. LOL nope the first one was just gas (that got your hair lol), good ole 91 octane, the huge one about the third jump was everclear and gas.
  4. Very clean bike, the only thing ugly on that one is the scratched thumb throttle and from brake resivoir lol Just kidding nice bike, should be a good runner.
  5. Brian you put on a good show, I still say the first fireball was the best!! Pete thanks for putting this all on, this was an awesome "off weekend" trip ha ha ha :kitty: great to see people again and meet new ones (Brian, Tyler, Travis, Randy ect....) Cole you definately have another job option if your current one falls through I don't think you could have asked for a more perfect weekend, great food thanks to Al's, great fun thanks to Pete's planning and all that helped set the track up. I thought that it was great that most all jumped in and raced, popped wheelies ect... It will suck waiting a year for this again.
  6. Al AWESOME pulled pork, OMG I did not put my food down for a second. I look forward to enjoying more of your cooking.
  7. Just rattle can for the regatta but I think they will look pretty good for the weekend.
  8. How well do the Carlisle (holeshots) work in the sand? They just seem like such a hard tire and was curious if the stockers with less air work better.
  9. YOU SUCK!!!! actually I am just jealous and wish I was going today.
  10. OMG we are all a bunch of retards
  11. Mike it is all one huge camp, just pull up and camp, it is going to be one huge circle :atc: :atc: :atc: :atc: :atc: :atc:
  12. Yeah it was a nice little suprise when I opened them up and saw all the crap inside. But they are looking better and I just got done paiting the rears and priming the front. I will look for a better set later and have them PC'd. I just wanted it to look a little better for the regatta.
  13. the waterfall at the end of Lost Creek Trail
  14. I second that, smaller companies you have get a rider/additional coverage for anything added to the truck.
  15. I would like the valves if possible, I would probably buy a bearing cam for it.
  16. I have a set of pegs in the garage and another set on my 70 I am taking off to put a chrome set on, I will bring them with me to Dumont unless you need them sooner, the only thing I don't have it spare bolts.
  17. LOL sometimes, but I cannot say I am any better.
  18. I wish we could be there to help Pete, we will be leaving town about 3:30 on Friday, if there is anything that still needs to be done then I will jump in and help. Had I know I would have put in for time off and helped out. We will be rolling out in a blue Dodge with a Nextlevel trailer.
  19. There are a lot of ins company's that will not cover the extra's and they won't give you excellent on KBB, they are going to give you what they sell for on average.
  20. So I bought some new shoes for the rear of my 70, when I got the tires off, talk about nasty rust, fix a flat and all. Here is a pic after I got the nasty fix a flat off and just the rust. Front view Comparing sand blasted vs rust Primer
  21. Are you looking for just the pegs or the brush guards also, I have set of pegs and we can probably remake you the brush guards. maybe work on a deal for a head that you have? I want to send a head out to a buddy to play with port and polishing.
  22. Thank you, I am bringing the old tires to use and cones if need be, and I think Pete is grabbing a couple from work.
  23. Right on guys, I think he is to lazy to pull his head off, so he is going to run it style. He might be looking to buy one after this lol.
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