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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. I am just curious if you caught my bike in it at all
  2. Is it just me or did they look like a bunch of ants when you cover their hole and they all come swarming.
  3. I believe that the Banshee is still available in other countries just not the US
  4. We will be there the weekend of 11/8 for the races.
  5. Try this one Twenty20 Helmet cams
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s3POSWVdgc
  7. Looks like a blast and I will be there, but for the FSA races on banshee hill that day.
  8. click on the globe, when you mouse over it, the little popup says insert link or you can use the url tags with the url address and it should do this http://www.dumontduneriders.com/images/grid-map.jpg
  9. Yeah I posted about he parts being available before www.weekendwarriorgear.com
  10. lol I love the dedication to get the video on the site!!!! you can also buy a firewire card for you pc, they are not exspensive.
  11. You are going to buy some software do download it to your PC?
  12. You actually are allowed to have someone in the trailer if you have reliable communication like stated above. All the above mentioned are good points, you really have to consider what works for you, I love having a truck when I get to the dune and I can hold more people when it comes to sleeping. You really have to look at what works for you.
  13. You guys already messed up the rules
  14. I would just give them a call since they might not update the site on used parts often enough.
  15. Pete did you check out that www.busaboys.com site?
  16. :?: Got your attention though didn't I
  17. Cool, were you the one standing by the lights?
  18. Hey someone was there with a video camera, do we know if it was someone from the site and have they posted it?
  19. Have you tried some of the motorcycle salvage yards? Take a look at www.busaboys.com
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