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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. OK so I got the hauler out of storage, but might leave it here and just take my brothers truck (beat up Ford) and popup tent trailer (cheaper) since 2 people backed out and don't need all the room for two.
  2. Got the hauler out of storage, sitting infront of the house, put the bike in tomorrow along with my two brothers and we will be there tomorrow evening.
  3. That does help, I have a few more options on mine, plus wheels and tires thank you. Get a Hypertech programmer best money I spent.
  4. VERY nice, if you don't mine me asking, what did it go for. I have an 06 and just curious.
  5. Vista is the same, but unless you have a static IP you may never know when it changes and like Nick said you have to know it to remote your computer. I believe that logmein requires someone to accept the connection our atleast start the application and have VNC, which again requires a static IP. Get a SoHo account from cox and then you will have a static ip and no filters on your cable modem. Then you can setup RealVNC or VPN access.
  6. Yeah bought it on the way to Mexico last year in AZ.
  7. I believe that mine is also, I could also bring the bottle of everclear
  8. LOL I guess a case of reading to quick and not paying attention
  9. Pete just think about the people (I am sure you have already) that will be coming with the people from this list.
  10. A leak under the trailer? look above your propane tanks and check the fittings to the outside shower and pressure washer.
  11. They are races for hillshooters. FSA stands for "Four Stroke Association", it was the old Four Stroke wars races that Tom from Sparks saved and is keeping the racing alive.
  12. I know some other people that go there in August every year also.
  13. I will try and find the article, but I am pretty sure Rage'n is alreay closed, but not positive on that one.
  14. I 2nd that, I love our trailer and still think they made some of the best looking trailers on the road. I am just glad that we bought an extended warranty.
  15. Monaco is the parent company of dune chase, McKenzie, Next Level, Holiday Rambler. not sure about the rest
  16. Doesn't the same company own both and I would not be to sure. When it talked to WW on the phone this morning they said 3 are out of business and more are to follow. With WW being the largest seller of toyhaulers, what does that say about he survival of the rest.
  17. Could be worse, we could have bought a nextlevel or a gearbox lol
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