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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. Evening of the 9th till the morning of the 10th
  2. I will be out there with the toyhauler, so if you need light I can kick on the side and rear floods.
  3. Not sure that I understand, if you did not pull a big trailer you would own a Ford or a GM?
  4. If someone is brining a gen I will put a little extra in the pump station incase.
  5. Dude that is perfect time you dont want to be out any earlier
  6. Does the CH11 really get them out of backing the product? I can understand the delay in approval of warranty work, but I would think that they are still obligated to warranty the product. Many companies changes hands and that does not mean that there is no warranty on products purchased.
  7. You can buy a brake controller anywhere and get a harness so that you do not have to tap into our wires. I had my truck wired for a 7 way at wheelers when I bought my trailer. What side of town do you live on, I am sure someone might be willing to pickup your trailer to help you, atleast then it would be at your house.
  8. Just curious what side of town everyone is on and what route you will be taking, time leaving?
  9. Dang always getting picked on lol Atleast I did not take credit for it
  10. ha updating my status Dunefreak Duniemonkie quad~dizzle ISBB? SinCity blondie Malibu VLX Wingnut indasand Suzukilt Sandchick WA.Statecrew? RUn2it powerhouse SandSoulja barefoot Bob Sandpsycho mineurbiz (98%) Grey CaptNkllm Dunelover dune demon
  11. Dunefreak Duniemonkie quad~dizzle ISBB? SinCity blondie Malibu VLX Wingnut indasand Suzukilt Sandchick WA.Statecrew? RUn2it powerhouse SandSoulja barefoot Bob Sandpsycho mineurbiz (trying) Grey CaptNkllm Dunelover For sure no tree, that would be asking for it!!! Sorry Capt I was sure that I had you listed already
  12. So is this still the current list? Dunefreak Duniemonkie quad~dizzle ISBB? SinCity blondie Malibu VLX Wingnut indasand Suzukilt Sandchick WA.Statecrew? RUn2it powerhouse SandSoulja barefoot Bob Sandpsycho mineurbiz (trying)
  13. I know that this is not possible for some, but I do not put any fuel in my gen tank or pump station until I get to Pahrump and when we got to mexico, I do not add water until just before we go over the boarder in AZ.
  14. Fullerton all the way, they are good to deal with and fast shipping.
  15. I think some take a early ride, but you will want to be out of there I would say by 11, after that it is pretty damn hot.
  16. I have been there, nice looking place, but way to small for any type of concert.
  17. I know two people that blew up their 06 cummins transmissions, one stripped two gears teeth and one right after he got it back broke something else in their tranny.
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