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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. He has been around forever, funny stuff.
  2. We should have a hauler if we are there (which we should be)
  3. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj239/c...nt=camera21.flv
  4. That thing is funny, they have been passing that around at work this week.
  5. Oh yeah, I remember the Kenny that would go to the beach night club and snag beers out of the tub while the girl was not looking, I think that is how I got my beer bottle bong.
  6. copy the list and add your name to the end like this Dunefreak Duniemonkie quad~dizzle ISBB? SinCity blondie Malibu VLX Wingnut indasand Suzukilt Sandchick WA.Statecrew? RUn2it powerhouse SandSoulja barefoot Bob Sandpsycho mineurbiz (trying) Zrated650
  7. He rides like a girl anyways!!!
  8. Mine is stock and still fun to ride, I would not hop it up, but rather do like aaron did and buy a totally drop in setup for it. That way if you have any issues you can always go back to stock in no time.
  9. I am sure that I missed a couple of people, but here is a starting list. Dunefreak Duniemonkie quad~dizzle ISBB? SinCity blondie Malibu VLX Wingnut indasand Suzukilt Sandchick WA.Statecrew? RUn2it powerhouse SandSoulja barefoot Bob Sandpsycho mineurbiz (trying)
  10. I am hurt because I don't have his number to text to not get a response to my text to be butt hurt about that. Now I just butt hurt because I can not cry about being but hurt oh wait I think I just did cry
  11. We use to rent and it does have it's good points but I still did not like it, you have to pay a butt load, have less room, and everything is on their terms (pickup times, cleaning, damages, ect....). But if you only use your trailer a few times a year then it might be worth it, I guess it just depends on how often you use it. I think the economy is going to hurt all of these trailer builders sooner or later.
  12. Why are you ready for your annual one Dumont season trip lol
  13. Dang has it already been a year since Jules set her hair on fire in your front yard?
  14. We bought our trailer from Wheelers because of the service situation with what seems to be all dealers, not wanting to service what they didn't sell. I like the service department, but hate the sales department, we have been taken really good care of there so far.
  15. Cool just wanted to make sure!!! :chev_bowtie:
  16. You know I was just busting your chops right?
  17. Beat a Yamaha with that slowzuki? BullS :beer_bang: T Now that is some funny stuff.
  18. yeah I might not even be able to go, I was told that it was Saturday when I was given the tickets and did not even look. Now I have 4 tickets and have to see if I can even go.
  19. http://www.sunsetstation.com/entertainment...eater/concerts/
  20. So is anyone going, we got tickets and I was just curious who else might be there.
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