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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. DAMN it is finally over, no more writing 30 page paper in a week.
  2. Hey Sam You are going to be around E or F14?
  3. That sucks Pete, mine rubs with the 32.5 when I back up fully cranked to the right.
  4. We will be around B14, still trying to find the "Official DDR" camp oh yeah first rule to fight club.....
  5. Thanks guys I really do appreciate it!!!!
  6. Ok so I have been going to school for WAY to long, but tonight is my last night, which will complete my MBA. NO MORE CLASSES!!!!!!! :chug:
  7. Very funny and Very true
  8. Glen Learner is not even allowed to call himself the "Heavy Hitter" anymore.
  9. Now them's fighten words right there!!! :beer_bang: :freakin_nuts:
  10. They are a great team no doubt, my thing is I am sick of the annoucers talking about them like they are gods. It is like a song on that you love until you hear it on the radio ALL DAY EVERYDAY. I have nothing personally against the team, I was even sick of the way they talked about the Colts until they lost a game. Anyone can lose on any given Sunday and they almost lost to the Ravens had it not been for the Ravens coach calling a time out.
  11. I don't even want them to win, I am so sick of hearing about the Pats!!! Go Giants
  12. Mike but like it was said above, doing 95 in a truck is not exactly "safe" and on top of that you had your wife in the truck, risking her life also. Don't get me wrong, I would be upset if someone ran me or my family off of the road, but I don't chase them down, especially with everyone in the vehicle. Just my .02
  13. Very true, I did not even catch that he did not say riders on his post, could be someone from the other site.
  14. This should be deleted!!!
  15. Not to mention that if you get in a head on wreck it can shove the steering colum into the driver if I remember right.
  16. I found it on the net a couple years ago.
  17. Wow that sounds an awful lot like a personal attack, threating to break his spoon!!!!
  18. They are just jealous Danny, you take Sundays and I will take Tuesday at 3 am.
  19. I need to get some help from Aaron on converting my bike to a kicker but keep the lights.
  20. looks like it was an exterior fire, at least nobody was hurt from the looks of it.
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