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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. Pete, does the guy from the sign shop drive a yellow chevy?
  2. That would be good, I was not very social today since I have been sick for a week now.
  3. My only issue wtih Thumper is the hours, I can not get there before you are closed and your not open on Saturday right? But screw ride now, they are becoming basically a monopoly in Vegas and that is BS. The factories should not let this happen, takes the competitive pricing away.
  4. GP performance also make hand made pipes for the YFZ, that is what I have on my bike. He use to make the pipes for nmotion.
  5. Hey Brit it was good to meet you today.
  6. Why would you go with that pipe? If you are looking for a great pipe for the 450, bet the Sparks big core.
  7. On the way out we saw people, on the way back saw a Black trailer wtih a blue sticker, of course me britincali at Banshee hill and pulling intot he parking lot and Dona Maria's we saw 2 dodge trucks one silver and one black with DDR stickers. I know this is nothing exciting, but thought that it was pretty cool for an off weekend.
  8. I have a Utah sticker on 4 of our bikes and were only issued one for each, is this something new for 08.
  9. Hey got to meet Britincali aka Chris, nice guy riding a CR500 on NOS.
  10. Dude the is good news that you got the head issue figured out.
  11. Is Aaron going out there this weekend?
  12. I will be the guy with the white truck and white trailer rolling in Sunday morning for the day. OK none lifted white crew cab silverado with black rims pulling a 20' featherlite trailer.
  13. hummm I think there are some guy that would have something to cure that problem.
  14. I should be up Sunday, a couple of people that are coming with me have to work on Saturday.
  15. We are going to try and roll out on Sunday for a day trip.
  16. We are trying to go out there Sunday for a day trip.
  17. Here is a letter that was sent to the president of the american sand association. It tells about zero tolerance if you ride at Glamis near the border and cross over. They wrote: Let me begin by expressing our gratitude and appreciation for the support and confidence that the American Sand Association has extended to U.S. Customs and Border Protection Border Patrol, particularly the EI Centro and Yuma Sectors who patrol the Imperial Sand Dune Recreational Area. We, as public servants, can only maximize our success with the cooperation and assistance of our community. Respectfully, we now call upon you and the members of the American Sand Association for assistance as we work to eradicate the criminality of cross border activity in this area and negate the possibility of terrorist infiltration into the United States. Beginning in January 2008, the Border Patrol will be conducting enhanced operations along the border encompassing both the Grey's Wells and Midway Campgrounds. Our intent is to gain operational control over this area, which has long been a dangerous, highly trafficked corridor by alien and narcotic smugglers. Last year, over 33,000 pounds of narcotics was seized and 2,137 aliens apprehended in the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreational Area alone. These operations will include a heightened detection and surveillance strategy coupled with an immediate response protocol to intercept all illegal cross border traffic. We will implement a zero tolerance for illegal cross border entries. It is and will remain the responsibility of the recreationists to know and abide by the law. Recreationists who accidentally illegally cross the border are subject to the zero tolerance. Any individual who affects an illegal entry into the United States is subject to arrest and/or fine. CBP requires that all individuals report to a CBP Port of Entry when returning to the United States. CBP's border search authority is derived through Title 19 Section 1581, which provides that all persons, baggage and merchandise arriving in the United States are subject to inspection. Failure to report to a port of entry could result in a fine and/or seizure of your conveyance. CBP's seizure authority is derived through Title 19 Section 1595a. If you enter Mexican territory during your visit to the Imperial Sand Dunes, you must make proper re-entry at a U.S. Port of Entry. There are future plans to construct a permanent anti-vehicle fence clearly defining the border, however; in the short term to avoid any confusion the border will be marked with temporary There are future plans to construct a permanent anti-vehicle fence clearly defining the border, however; in the short term to avoid any confusion the border will be marked with temporary paddle markers and pre-existing border monuments. These paddle markers are similar to those used by the Bureau of Land Management as trail markers. Please see the attached photograph. In short, strict adherence to the law regarding the entry into the United States, by United States citizens or otherwise, must be observed. Securing this area by eliminating the illegal activity is critical to protecting our homeland. I hope to work together and reduce any misinformation or confusion regarding this matter in the present and future as our collaborative efforts will undoubtedly yield a successful resolution to the challenges we now face. Again, please assist the El Centro and Yuma Border Patrol Sectors by disseminating the aforementioned information regarding our intentions to strictly enforce the law as it applies to illegal border entry to your members. It is our sincere desire to inform and educate all those who camp and recreate in the Imperial Sand Dunes so that vacationers can enjoy the dunes in partnership with our efforts to enforce the laws and remove the criminal threat. As a result of your valued assistance and commitment to the security of our great nation, our combined efforts will prove yet again that we can accomplish as a team our shared goal of improving the quality of life in our community. Yours Respectfully, Jeffery Calhoon Acting Chief Patrol Agent CBP Border Patrol, El Centro Sector Paul Beeson Chief Patrol Agent CBP Border Patrol, Yuma Sector
  18. Sounds like a blast, but Aaron does not get to go
  19. A little lol j/k honestly it was a mistake, I was typing at work and someone kept talking to me when I was posting.
  20. Not a matter of hitting the wrong key more just having the wrong spelling in my head :porn: gaylay lol.
  21. :laughoff: Yeah it was, but that was funny, I did not notice until now. Don't get all butt hurt, it was an accident.
  22. http://www.apexbattery.com/golf-cart-batteries.html
  23. I do not have anymore bolted on parts that anyone else!!! I have an engine, head lights, gas tank, wheels, ect...
  24. Hey if that is the theory that we are going with, then my bike is a bolton
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