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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. Comp sucks now!!! you need a full MX setup to race that hill .
  2. I don't want to go there, but it seems everytime we go to Dumont my buddy and his woman are the only ones that we can count on. I am tryning to get a couple more people to go but it is frustrating.
  3. I am not sure, having trouble finding a consistant group to camp with. I know we have two toyhaulers going, but makes for a small camp. This is making the woman want to ride at Amardusthole!!!
  4. B14 on the grid map worked pretty good for us on Halloween with small children!!
  5. Jones feed is where my buddy got his and they filled his long bed for $70, kinda depends on who lets you fill, then they give you a price.
  6. Uh Craig the bike is Black not red, geesh!!!!
  7. I would also like to see the numbers mine does on your Dyno just out of curiosity.
  8. Just busting your guys chops for all this money you put in your quads, I don't know why people do it. :freakin_nuts:
  9. I think we need a pissing match emoticon :freakin_nuts:
  10. Nice weather, the woman you care about, good scenery, lots of stuff to do and some alchohol, sounds like a horrible trip.
  11. You are probably hitting about mid to upper 40's
  12. His is grey plastics with red frame and graphics.
  13. Sam I would go with the Chevy, :dance: oh sorry that was not an option. Given the choice between a Ford and a Dodge, I would go with the Dodge personnaly
  14. Yeah she runs, I bought it from this guy that has a bunch of them, I really want the trx but could not find a decent one for the price. I have a new tank to be painted for it some chrome parts ect... The guy I bought it from has one with a 88cc motor and looks like a rat rod with ape hangers, cool stuff. I acutally first started riding on a atc110 what a blast. I might try and find a trx later and redo it.
  15. oh yeah, you are going down on this one Aaron, if not I will bring out my ATC70 and we all know that weight is everything so what ya gotta say to that.
  16. look forward to it Like Pete said careful of the sand it can be hard to read during the day.
  17. I have heard that there is one on the CDI and a throttle limiter screw.
  18. No problem on the heads up, it was cool meeting you on opening weekend and riding with yu guys. I would leave the tripple buffs off, there are some sandy tree trails, but they have roots sticking up that seem to be fine for molded paddles or reg buff but I would not run over with tripple buffs. I would still maybe bring them if you want. The sand itself is like sugar and likes to rob a little power, but you will not have any issues. Heck when you are done riding your tires look like they have been spray with tire shine.
  19. Yes sir and quiet time at the dunes is 10 for riding, I also think that if you are in the camp grounds not the meadow, there is a quiet time for generators.
  20. You need to have either a Utah or Califonia sticker Jesse.
  21. LOL this is going to be another dumb debate lol
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