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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. Right on!!! I am crossing my fingers, but I am sure that I do not need to.
  2. I bet you say that to all the YFZ guys lol. I hope it is a step in the right direction. Hieny's yummy!!!!
  3. Cap I think you owe me a beer too, I was the other 450 you saw the tail lights of.
  4. Is any of the internal work that is done to your bike, done by KBR anymore?
  5. Movin out Friday morning, with "The Farkas Family Circus" in tow.
  6. I have fun at the hill and on the rides, I just like to joke with people about beating them.
  7. Can I race your predator? It is all in fun, but if you are there, I would like to see it run some bikes at the hill.
  8. Pumped up 450's? bring that thing to Banshee Hill Halloween weekend. I doubt you are racing "pumped up" 450's.
  9. I have 10 gallons of old diesel that I am trying to figure out what to do with also. How long is it good for in a plastic can.
  10. Pete are these reserved for Danielle, or are you just everyone?
  11. Here is our truck and hauler, it will have a DDR sticker on the back of the hauler (still have to put the other one on the truck).
  12. ha ha She said pitching my tent!!!! Well I have not camped out there in a while (not that it is that far), but it is good for the kiddies!! After all if is only a 1 minute ride to where everyone else camps. If you need a place to "Pitch your tent", you know where we are.
  13. B13 and 14 are off to the side out of the busy stuff, D 10 would be a bit crazier. I would camp there but I don't think Chris would like it.
  14. Should be around B13 and B14
  15. You all better have a good time!!! or I am gonna and the on your knocked out butt!!!
  16. Well it looks like we have Chris "Ringleader" talked into going which I know makes Danielle happy. We will be camping with them Ed, my buddy and a few others so stop by. Also if you are headed past us for the meet and greet make sure we are headed that way.
  17. Look it is "Corporate Pete" again, laying down the new company policies. Remember Pete at the dunes, you are not corporate pete you are Pimpshack Pete
  18. Hey Scott nice to have met you and glad to get your part back to you. I looked up the price of that part and wow $303 aint cheap.
  19. I am in, you guys better bring a beer ( or as many as your fancy pouches will hold right Pete), meet greet and toast!!!
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