Well we spent 5 days at Coral Pink in the meadow and had a great time. But I guess 5 days of riding would put a smile on any self respecting duners face. The weather was a bit warmer than last year when we went, but we had plenty of shade so that helped a lot. Here are a few pictures that we took, I have a couple more but I will have to post them later.
Here was a cool little uphill narrow trail, it was short but just looked cool
Here are a couple of pics of me doing some slides on my fiances 700, I could not get her son to snap the picture at the right time so here is the best that he got (blury for some reason). I roosted him the next day as payback
Here are a couple of nice scenery shots.
View of the meadow from a hill
This is the view from the meadow
When we went and dumped the tanks on the hauler (camped in the meadow), it was rather tight for a 40' trailer and then we drove through the camp grounds to see how it was and seems that the trailer had a bunch of branches brushing it, kinda narrow for long trailers. But no complaints, if you need water to can pull into the camp ground and fill up or dump if you are camping in the meadow, you can also buy a day pass and dump, fill and shower there if you like. I will post a couple more pictures later. This trip also showed me that my 12 year old daughter needs a bigger bike than a 250EX, just got stuck to often, by not having enough power.