YEAH YEAH YEAH Thank you, he did it in about 10 minutes, then he trimmed the lower air dam. I wish the wheels pictured turned out better, but they are a high gloss and look flat in the picture.
ok so I finally got a new set of rims and tires and thanks to Mike at the Super Duty shop I got my torsions cranked. I was a little to chicken to do it myself, but now after seeing it done dang is it easy. But thank you to Mike just the same. Here are some before and after shots.
Before Torsions being cranked
New Wheels
I will take a wheel close up tomorrow and post it, I have DeModa wheels and Dune Grappler tires.
LOL he does have the age and wisdom no doubt, but he is to far down on power to have that make up the diff. But I love his bike, the 700's kickass in comfort and bottom end grunt.
I do not mind it with a flat trailer, but when I am pulling probably over 16K and 102" trailer, that narrow road sucks. I always seem to have rocks thrown at me by someone infront of me or dust the person behind me.
Do not know, but I think what you are refering to was the numbers you posted before, which I think you read your dyno sheet wrong. Anyways this was done to make the bike run right, we did not care what it was putting out.
Main thing I called Dan, told him my dad was coming down and he went the extra mile for him, which made my dad happy and that is all I care about.
ha ha ha I am inpressed that he bought the Raptor, I could not even imagine him wanting a 450. I think he will be happier now with fuel injection. Time for you to get your butt in gear Chris and buy some shocks and a seat cover.
Well he has a 660 and was tired of it not running perfect when he woudl go to Duck Creek so he stopped in Cedar and bought.
Got to love it over 60 and still wants a sport quad
My dad just bought a new Raptor 700 on monday!!!! He had a 660 but wanted the fuel injection and he is very happy. But I am glad that you got to ride the TRX now at least you wont wonder.