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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. Well we will now be in a blue dodge still but pulling my weekend warrior, his gen would not fire.
  2. She is correct Sir, we are heading out at 3PM, I will pm you my cell #.
  3. I like it, I do not mind traveling for an extra 20 minutes to save pulling a 40 foot hauler over pot mnt. You end up going through shoshone, but what an easy trip.
  4. LOL goof we are in the far northwest, so we will be going like we are headed to Amargosa and then turning to head to Pahrump, it is a tiny bit longer but no big hills. We will not be passing Tecopa Road.
  5. We are headed out around 3PM and going the back way (thru Pahrump). Blue Dodge 2500 with a Next Level 5th wheel hauler I think the trailer has a sticker on the back saying "MABLE"
  6. Today Sat, Jun 23 Hourly Forecast more details 6am 81°F Feels Like 77°F 9am 93°F Feels Like 87°F 12pm 105°F Feels Like 99°F 3pm 110°F Feels Like 103°F 6pm 107°F Feels Like 100°F 9pm 95°F Feels Like 89°F 12AM 89 Partly Cloudy / Wind Overnight Low 76°F
  7. Nice Ed, my woman has the DoBeck on hers and a DMC After Burner 4 complete exhaust.
  8. it was actually more of a joke lol
  9. You know most of the DDR rides start at the south pole at 2PM, should we have a meeting at the south pole at 2am?
  10. EXACTLY so as people arrive keep that in mind and dont make the camp to tight of a circle!!!!
  11. Updated: dunefreak Sincity_blondie Don29palms OGP Joe Duner sanddunesaddict wsky70 mineurbiz GWH & her dad, Mike SAND~SNAKE buggychick & Budlight Bob ISBB redswr + 2 (my brother and a friend) sandseeker & wife northphelan Ocean 03 vegas400ex 1BADYFZ YFZKYLE dinicolada DMAN74 CaptNkllm DuneLover (my wife) vegas style justntime & oranges budsponge Campbell Foxysandchick & Sincity450...plus 2 more NicoleinVegas MikeinVegas PaulyPaul Resident^Blonde Evil Beaver Mr.Brownsand SIN CITY 450 POWERHOUSE
  12. Since I am no WR pro, I wanted to verify some info and these guys have some tips. http://www.yfztech.com/forum/index.php?sho...mp;#entry128778
  13. OH STOP give up the river boat tour and come play in the sand box with the big kids!!!
  14. You could do the WR kit while it is apart.
  15. Here is what we will be rolling in, so keep an eye out.
  16. I have mine done, but I did not do it myself, www.Kenzcycletech.com did mine. There are post all over the net on how to do it with photo's. Check out www.yfzcentral.com, www.yfztech.com or www.bluetraxx.com. Here is a good link craig it has photos.http://www.yfzcentral.com/invision/index.p...&hl=oil+mod
  17. PSSST a little trick tell him to get his butt off of the seat more!!! Oh and pick a good speed to roll over the bumps and dont crawl. Great dancing Ed!!!
  18. Everyone help me out here, but since Ed got a new bike, shouldn't he be doing the Mutha b*tches dance?
  19. Oh I plan on camping together, what I mean is that with a lot of people it would be nice to get everyone together and have a big toast!!! Rather than just a few while others are out riding, if possible.
  20. We will all have to meet at camp and have a beer togehter!!!!
  21. I think the pot has a whirlpool in it.
  22. OGP, you willbe out there early? If you are and you park over by bathroom 6, look for a blue dodge to pull up pulling a next level toyhauler it will be me and a couple of my buddies.
  23. I am in for a night ride, but I will have a couple noobies with me, so they wont be hauling butt in the dark.
  24. dunefreak Sincity_blondie Don29palms OGP Joe Duner sanddunesaddict wsky70 mineurbiz GWH & her dad, Mike SAND~SNAKE buggychick & Budlight Bob ISBB redswr + 2 (my brother and a friend) sandseeker & wife northphelan Ocean 03 vegas400ex 1BADYFZ YFZKYLE dinicolada DMAN74 CaptNkllm
  25. Roll Call is looking good so far, I know there are people from YFZTECH going also have to add 1BADYFZ to the roll call, he is supposed to go.
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