I know what your truck and hauler look like, hopefully Tim and Don will keep and eye out for us and Flag us down, we will just pull right up to them. I am sure though they will have DDR stickers on their rigs, correct?
hey Pete I am in, will be showing up with a couple buddies in a Blue dodge 2500 and a Nextlevel toyhauler. My buddy did not want to drive back at night/early am so we are bringing his hauler. We will most likely be there a little early and parking in the suggested meeting area!!
Have you seen a 12 mill Banshee run? I will still put my money on a 12 Mill then that thing!! I have seen Banshee beat to many quads with street bike motors, in a hill race!!!
I have talked to a couple of people about what route they take, which was do you go? Both leave St George, but one goes to Kanab and the other head to the Carmel Mt.
Banshee is king of the hill, you can definately make a Banshee faster than a thumper, but it is not cheap. As for which one is more exspensive when doing comparable builds, I am not sure, but the Banshee is definately able to be faster than the 450.