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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. Yeah it was his drumstick, we played it over and over and you can see the one in "his" right hand break then he drops it and puts the one from his left had in his right hand, then grabs the piece that is in his face.
  2. http://www.semashow.com/main/main.aspx?ID=...HOWcom/HomePage
  3. What is your primary riding style, dunes, trails, budget, new used, ect...? Whatever you do make sure you pick a Yamaha!!!!
  4. Your bike looks a bit like mine I have a White Brothers E2 slip on, airbox with K&N already mounted, also a Jetted and dyno'd factory carb (this this setup) for sale.
  5. Yeah a kid over by Cheyenne and Buffalo has one of those two wheel skateboards funny watching him ride.
  6. No doubt, would have to drive out there and rotate them so they did not roast to much on one side.
  7. The Remada is right across the street, or there is a hotel on Convention Center drive here is the link, it is new and VERY close http://marriott.com/hotels/travel/lasst-la...arriott-suites/ this is a new hotel and it is nice.
  8. I was only able to stay for a couple hours, but it was a blast. Ken I hope you do have another party, what a great way to hangout with people from DDR.
  9. Pete what is the first rule of DDR Camp?
  10. I can we do the weekend after, before people start to commit
  11. GREAT NEWS, Michael keep your chin up and glad to see that the forums have helped you to deal with this!!!
  12. Dang it he stole my idea (without even knowing)
  13. Yeah I feel pretty lucky that it turned out the way it did.
  14. I am finally getting my BRAND NEW tailgate on Monday.
  15. Sorry Steveo, I tried but he is El Presidente and can veto our vote.
  16. Did they send you something back saying you did not have to pay the taxes? If so that is cool but it seems to me (knowing the IRS is money hungry) that they would come after you even more since you basically filled out a form saying that you were taking them out of state and paying the tax in the state that they would be registered in. That would be cool if that is all that it takes, because my dad has a cabin in Duck Creek.
  17. How about everyone deep sea fish with steveo then hit some dunes/beach riding in Mexico? Then have a clam bake and
  18. I hope to be there that weekend, I think I have a couple others interested also
  19. So nice he is hurt and you laugh geesh some wife you are
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