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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. LOL where in the heck do you work that you see those kind of people lol
  2. Mine is running good, just ordered a +4, the stocker was going to end up killing me. I am thinking about sending it to Hargrove again this summer. But I need to look at getting a second bike also.
  3. I think this already comes on the weekend warriors, we have this flush system on ours, it has sprayers in the tank. I have to agree though, this is not a "Weekend Warrior" problem.
  4. That would be cool, I have a wagon to use, just trying to find out what a kit would cost. take a look at this guys wagon it is nice http://ford.off-road.com/ford/article/arti...l.jsp?id=198188
  5. Make sure you use that special toilet paper, we had issues trying to use regular single ply, it kept sticking to the sensor. It would be fine when we flushed it.
  6. Good news Pete, it is nice to hear a more happy start to a recovery compared to most that I seem to hear about lately..
  7. I just sent him a pm to pop into the thread and take a look. Thank you buggy chick, I appreciate the tip.
  8. I looked at the Harbor Freight ones, but I want to find a kit that will allow me to put golf cart tires on it. Here is more what I would like to price out Here are just a couple of cool one's for the peeps
  9. OK all of you line up so that I can 3 stooges slap ya. :chkn: :no_no:
  10. Pete I think you need one of these :no_no:
  11. Yeah, the red wagon, I have seen them lifted and I am sure there use to be kits for them. I am just trying to see if the still make them, we have a little red wagon and I think it would be fun to lift it.
  12. I am looking for either a lift kit or maybe a place that sells them lifted.
  13. Must be an 04, I have been lucky so far, mine is still in working order.
  14. Do you want to just rebuild or build it up? The WR crank is a good idea and the 14:1 CP piston (I have a CP also) are very nice. Make sure you have the oil mod done when you rebuild it. There are some great builders out there, that can add these parts and keep it very reliable. Kenz Cycle Tech (Did mine) KBR MADD Some guys have talked about power house, he is here local.
  15. I have always wanted one of those too.
  16. Jodi, Very cool congrats on the new truck, I hope you enjoy it!!!
  17. I am with Sand_YFZ, before I put cams in my bike I did mine and as nervous as I was, it was actually very easy. Don't pay for someone else to do this for you, it is not worth it.
  18. Now with all that money you saved, you can buy beers lol
  19. How about a night drag going away party?
  20. So who is the biggest loser, the owe everyone a beer lol
  21. Cool if you end up going, let me know if you need anything, like the others said thank you for serving!! I will chip in for stickers beers or whatever. Just be safe cole, again like stated before you all are hero's for even going so don't be foolish, need to get back and ride. P.S. hope you do not have to go, no need to leave your wife and family.
  22. lol we should start a losers side bet, who ever is the farthest away has to buy the first round for everyone that bet lol
  23. lol I think the amount is getting a little to high lol
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