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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. Here is the pic from the one I saw
  2. Good to know, that is the only thing I hate about doing things the first time, is not knowing what to prepare for but with your guy's help it is much better.
  3. I think if you read her post she does not want a bike that bulky thought. Dani the grizzly got a lot of great reviews, not sure about the Zuki, just have not read about it. I have seen the polaris 500 in action and with paddles they even climb good in the sand.
  4. Thanks Chris, we have only stayed in the meadow before, but not in the camp gronds. Might have to put a trailer behind the womans truck and bring it up, not keen on riding on my paddle on hard ground.
  5. We were picking up my daughters contacts at Northwest Vision and saw it sitting there.
  6. Chris, Is there a way to the dunes from the camp grounds that is sand and not hard ground?
  7. I will have to talk with the little woman, sounds like a great time to be had.
  8. What the H E double hockey sticks you gonna do with that thing?
  9. LOL I was going to ask the same thing before about a white extra cab truck with a DDR sticker on the back window at the shopping center on Craig and Rancho. I have a pic but it is on my phone so I will have to get it later.
  10. Awsome truck Steveo, I want a 72 Chevy short box fleet side.
  11. Very cool thank you, if the sponsored the clean up then I will definately give him a shot.
  12. LOL this is like comparing Bubba Stewarts kawasaki to against Chad Reeds Yamaha, this really has amost nothing to do with the maker of the motor any more it is about he money put into them and the builder.
  13. Any opinions on lift kits, if I go that route. I am still a little up in the air on the lift kit but rims and tires for sure and if no lift kit then atleast a leveling kit.
  14. My only hold back with 4wheel parts is that they are expensive!!
  15. I thought about trying them, but you have to shop them or they give you a full retail price, atleast the one on trop and decature.
  16. I will have to see what their prices are, after getting my truck buried with the stock sissy street tires I am ready to change them out. I just do not want to get taken to the cleaners or spend months shopping around. I figure someone could give a better price on a package deal.
  17. I am looking forward to going back, for sure in August and hopefully before also. I have to see the africanized cows again that handout in the tree's at Coral Pink.
  18. lol yeah I understand why just funny that it was a J LO video right on top.
  19. Hey good first job Rag, the funny thing when I watch your video a link for this came up. I think this has been on here before thought.
  20. Just curious of there was any place to get a GOOD deal on a Rim's and tires, also a possible lift.
  21. NOt yet, just got it a couple months ago. I am going to start on it soon, but need to get some parts painted or powder coated.
  22. lol I love the James Bond smoke screen!!! I do that to A-Holes on the road that have their windows down.
  23. You would also loose bottom end with a 15T, I would think that for trails you want to keep your bottom end and maybe go up on desert riding where you would have long straigh aways (I am right?). I also believe that the stock gearing is 14/38, but I could be wrong, just my 2 cents.
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