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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. HA HA HA Dani I am not sure what your final price was, but I know what it cost us to reg. I will not tell you because I do not want to ruin your trip, so be safe and have fun. P.S. Tell Chris
  2. More than understandable Ken you have been working hard, being Las Vegas it would not suprise me if someone had a party during the week.
  3. I was told that changing the front is a bit drastic, It was reccomended to me to change the rear by one maybe two, with motor work done.
  4. lol Stickers and such, but that is cool, just thought it would be a good opportunity to get some more sticker (like one for my DMAX). Ken May 2nd is a Wednesday right?
  5. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...ic=3181&hl=
  6. I love mine, getting ready to dive into it, just do not know what I am doing lol
  7. I know someone that is selling a boat with a trailer that holds Jet Ski's above it, the boat is similar to what you are describing you want. I will see if I can find out the price and see if I can get some pics. I know the owners and they seem to take good care of their stuff. I think they are on a cruise, but I will see what I can do.
  8. LOL tell Chris my dad can beat up his dad!!!!
  9. It is rather funny to find the oldest post you can, make a dumb comment and then watch people freak out on you for doing it. I did that on another website and watched all the comments and PM's come in.
  10. You have a good setup too, now if we could just do something about that Ford you guys drive J/K
  11. Should bring some DDR gear Pete!
  12. You have to keep in mind the amount of trailers that wheelers sells in comparison to others. If you have more trailers out there, you will hear more people talk about them good or bad.
  13. Sound like a good DDR "Meet & Greet" spot?
  14. My pleasure Chris, I feel that most everyone here is willing to give some helpful info where they can so I like to share the support that I have received here. I wish we were headed up, but I do know we are going in August, just have to learn more infor about the camping area, we have only been to the meadows.
  15. We went with a weekend warrior due to floor plan, looks and quality. Plus the fact that three of the many dealers we visited said that WW was on the top of the list for best trailers. We tried to look at a Raptor several times, but CALS SUCKS!!!!
  16. I would just check on the side of the trailer, ours has a warning label saying that it has to be removed due to be wider than the legal length. Before you know it, you will be backing that thing in like nothing, Congrats Chris
  17. Dani, gorgeous trailer, remember to take your ladder off when towing it, you are over width with the ladder on. Again congrats and also to offroadracer!!
  18. Hey great job, only a 90 though guess that means I need to up my insurance!!!!
  19. Congrats Ken, I might have to come see you for tint and a liner!!!
  20. That is why we went to wheelers, did not really want to deal with their sales people at all. I was ready to buy from Utah and the day we were going to put the deposit down, Wheelers called back and scrambled to give us a good price when they learned we were going to go to Utah to by a trailer. They not only matched the price, but put in more options. Plus they told us something similar to what you are going thru, in that if we did not buy from them that when it came to service the would always put us to the back of the list over their customers. So if our trailer was in their shop and a customer of theirs came in after us they would basically stop work on ours and work on their customers. Good thing auto dealers do not do this.
  21. I have the HyperTech also, since the dealership seemed to feel that I would not have any issue with my Warranty by going with the HyperTech over other programmers. I also do not need to change my setting to make spending several more hundreds of dollars to have the display and change it on the fly.
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