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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. That sucks, good luck when you get it back!!
  2. Oh they were saying take the 15 to the 9 which would take you up by St George, but cool that is another way then right on. It always pays to know multiple routes!!!!
  3. We went in August and there was no gravel, it is paved from 89 to the visitor center, or am I missunderstanding something.
  4. Why would you go all the way to Kanab instead of taking sand dunes rd?
  5. Well cole, atleast you did not wreck the truck
  6. The only way I have been is from Duck Creek so any help is good.
  7. 15 to the 9 from las vegas right?
  8. Arron for my education what difference would it make if it is stock axle or not?
  9. Give the guy a break, he has been in two accidents this year. :bash: :mic: :gayboy:
  10. The gearing throws me, I don't know that I need to get back to stock exactly, just something that will give me the best overall performance both out of the hole and up the hill. I have a roll out of 72" and still running the stock gears, I need to buy some rear sprockets and bring someone to the hill that knows what they are doing with me.
  11. Thank you Dani as always you ROCK!! I might have to get a GPS and try to find that hill.
  12. We did not get to explore to much last time we were there, does any know if they have a hill there at all?
  13. I think it was about a month after the release and paid $7280.00 for it in Utah.
  14. What side of town do you live on, dynojet is at Craig and Losee.
  15. mineurbiz


    What email client are you using and are you trying to just send it or have it show when the email opens?
  16. Arron Does 1 tooth in front = 3 in the rear? I was talking with Scott and with the 22" rear tires we were trying to figure out what would get me back to where the bike is before the bigger tires. I bought a 13T but have not put it on yet, I want to wait until I can buy a swingarm first and then test. But if that is to drastic for what I have done then I will just buy a couple rear sprockets (which I plan on anyways). Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Make sure to drink a cold beer to the dune gods for me!!!
  18. I do not get to go, between a cold and a kid with an attitude problem, I have to stay here.
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